Digitisation projects at Aalto University Archives
Aalto University Archives is continuosly digitising materials connected to Aalto University activities and outcomes.
Aalto University has digitised into electronic format almost 60 000 theses from the University of Technology and Helsinki School of Economics from 1960s onwards. Your teses could be one of them. All final works can be found in Aalto University platform Aaltodoc aaltodoc.aalto.fi but to read them you have to use one of the computers located at Aalto University's Harald Herlin Learning Centre.
To get hold of your own work from your own computer you need to log in using suomi.fi identification. If your email can be found in the Aalto Alumni Circle network you get a personal link that leads directly to your thesis.
We need your help to examine the quality of the digitalised version of your theses. You can also give premission for publishing online.
Insert your email. You will get and email with a personal link to continue.
After opening the link provided to you through your mail you will be able to open your thesis as a PDF file. Check if all pages are digitalised correctly. All pages have to be included and there should be no disturbances making it difficult to read.
You car return to your session by identifying yourself again through Aaltodoc.
If there is a mismatch between the information given through the Suomi.fi-identification and your thesis your session will be canceled. Please leave a comment or contact us by email. If you have any questions or other feedback don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
Digitoidut työt sekä opinnäytteet, joilla ei ole verkkojulkaisulupaa voi lukea Oppimiskeskuksen asiakaskoneilla Otaniemessä, Espoossa, Otaniementie 9.
Voit antaa luvan opinnäytteen digitoidun version julkaisemiseen avoimessa verkossa Aalto-yliopiston elektronisessa julkaisuarkistossa. Tekijänoikeudet ja jatkokäyttöoikeudet jäävät kuitenkin aina tekijälle. Kaupalliseen ja muuhun jatkokäyttöön on pyydettävä tekijän lupaa.
Mikäli opinnäytteen/julkaisun skannauksen laadussa on puutteita, julkaistaan se vasta laatuvirheiden korjaamisen jälkeen.
Lisätietoja opinnäytteiden julkisuudesta: Opinnäytteiden julkisuus - Opintojen ja opiskelun säännöt - Into (aalto.fi)
You can check the quality and give publishing permissions for a thesis written by your deceased relative with the consent of the heirs collectively. For more information contact [email protected]
Aalto University Archives is continuosly digitising materials connected to Aalto University activities and outcomes.
Digitalisation of theses, FAQ (only in finnish)