Aalto University Archives

Aalto Repository

Aalto University is implementing a repository system for digital preservation, asset management and showcasing of all digital content of long-term value. The aim is to ensure authenticity and usability of the divers digital ​outcomes of our university, across time and technical environments​
Aalto Repository Stakeholders
Aalto repository preserves and shares digital content.

Benefits​ and background objectives

  • Ensure authenticity and usability of digital ​objects across time and technical environments​
  • Preserving ​and showcasing creative and practice-based ​learning and research​
  • Convenient manual and automated ​workflows for digital content, audiovisual media and ​administrative data​ through integrations

As for today, there has not been systematic processes or a repository system capable of preserving and showcasing digital content in variety formats. Aalto Repository will create capabilities to manage and make use of the university's valuable digital assets. The university has a legal obligation for archiving and accessing digital objects of long-term value.

To improve the collection and curation of digital content we will need to develop also the workflows and processes that produce the original data, f.e. current submission processes for theses, showcasing artistic works and research outputs. ​Through integrations the repository will be the back-bone for the persistent accessibility, online visibility and showcase of creative and practice-based learning and research.

Aalto Repository OAIS

Storage, access and reuse

The aim is to build a seamless workflow between storage and access. This includes integrations to Aaltodoc, Acris, Aalto.fi and more. API will make it possible to build showcases for any future need.

All members of Aalto community should be able to submit content for preservation, showcase and future access.

Implementation timeline

  • Spring 2023
    Building metadata schemas
  • Autumn 2023
    Setting up Azure cloud storage and local content packages
    Migration of legacy image database Raami
    Connecting the repository to Finna aaltoarkisto.finna.fi
  • Winter 2023-2024
    User interface ready for content search
    Workflow for simple ingest of content
  • To come 2024-2025
    Integrations to Aaltodoc, Acris and Aalto.fi
    Content specific ingest workflows

More information

Do you or your department have valuable digital materials in need for secure storage or future access? Inform us about your digital material or get futher information by writing to: [email protected]

Project working group:  

Tove Ørsted, Project Manager (1.5.2024-31.1.2025) IT Solutions for Records Management
Ilari Lähteenmäki, Project Manager, IT Solutions for Research (parental leave)
Susanna Kokkinen, Manager, Records Management  
Marika Sarvilahti, Information Specialist, Aalto Archives  
Riina Ojanen, Audiovisual Archivist, Aalto Archives
Titta Tuovinen, Archivist, Aalto Archives

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