
Aki-Pekka Sinikoski

For me, Otaniemi is not just a load of red brick walls. It is an energetic community made up of very diverse individuals. The buzz here is incredibly interesting and important to record, even from the perspective of the whole nation.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Aki-Pekka Sinikoski, valokuvaaja, isä ja Aalto-yliopiston alumni

‘For me, Otaniemi is not just a load of red brick walls. It is an energetic community made up of very diverse individuals. It also seems to be functioning as a kind of catalyst for societal change. Whereas our political decision-makers seem to avoid responsibility, I find myself in contrast bumping into great individuals and small communities here that want to make the whole world a better place. And this is done without cynicism and sarcasm, without cutting corners to save time and trouble. The buzz here is incredibly interesting and important to record, even from the perspective of the whole nation. I could say that the future is being made here. I want to photograph Otaniemi stories in order to convey individuals’ stories. Sometimes the stories deal with everyday and small matters, sometimes they are about a life’s work. Together, these stories paint a wide picture of what Otaniemi Campus and Aalto University is all about.’

Aki-Pekka Sinikoski, photographer, father and Aalto University graduate

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