
Katja Metsäkoivu

I have been practising volleyball for 12 years. For my bachelor's thesis, I use statistics to create videos and statistical data for the Finnish Volleyball Association, utilising an analysis of where in the court passes are most likely to lead to a point.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Katja Metsäkoivu, tilastotieteen ja statistiikan opiskelija, Matematiikan ja systeemianalyysin laitos / Kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘I have been practising volleyball for 12 years and will begin playing as a professional in the LP Vampula team of Huittinen next year. In fact, my bachelor's thesis is also related to volleyball, as I use statistics to create videos and statistical data for the Finnish Volleyball Association, utilising an analysis of where in the court passes are most likely to lead to a point.’

Katja Metsäkoivu, student of statistics, Department of Mathematics and Systems Analysis

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