
Silla Virmajoki

The topic of the group assignment on our course was gender. Our impression of Otaniemi is that it is rather male-dominated, so we made new street signs for a few streets in Otaniemi in which we make humorous comments about the situation.
Aalto-yliopisto, Otaniemi stories: Silla Virmajoki, valokuvataiteen opiskelija / kuvaaja: Sinikoski

‘The topic of the group assignment on our course was gender. Our impression of Otaniemi is that it is rather male-dominated, so we decided to make new street signs for a few streets in Otaniemi in which we make humorous comments about the situation. The Betonimiehenkuja street was given a name in English – Gender-neutral Concrete Street – and the Miestentie street was turned into Sukupuolineutraalientie (Gender-neutral Road).’

Silla Virmajoki, student of photography

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