Capacity Enhancement in Electrical Equipment Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics (CEEECoM)


To achieve the goal of the project, the project is implemented by carrying out the tasks in five major activity groups:
1. Case studies (for evidence-based teaching and learning development)
2. Challenge Assessment
3. Software/Tools development and Trainings
4. Modernization/Upgrading of the curriculum
5. Mobility
Ceeecom activities

Case studies and surveys of the overall condition monitoring, fault diagnostics and maintenance of the electrical equipment in the electricity utility companies and industries of Nepal and Bhutan.

Challenge Assessment Workshops organized with participants from the key stakeholders where the expertise of the European partners are used to come up with the need-analysis for the development of the courses, curriculum, laboratory facilities and training.

Training sessions organized where the professional engineers from the electricity utility companies and industries are trained by using the selected and developed software and tools together with other training materials.

Modernization and practicality enhancement of the relevant courses in existing curriculum of Nepali and Bhutanese universities. This also includes the strengthening of the laboratories for problem-based learning as well as the possibility of using the laboratories as a service component to the industry for the purpose of continuous and life-long-learning.

Mobility provisions for faculties and students from Nepal and Bhutan to visit the European partner universities every year within the project duration, to learn from the teaching and research practices, and build their capacity in the areas within the scope of this project. Students each from the European partner universities will visit Nepal and Bhutan every year during the project duration.

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