COMP Research
The COMP Centre of Excellence (2012-2017) strived at a multiscale approach to condensed-matter and materials research, ranging from the quantum world of ångströms and femtoseconds to macroscopic length and time scales
The COMP Centre of Excellence (2012-2017) strived at a multiscale approach to condensed-matter and materials research, ranging from the quantum world of ångströms and femtoseconds to macroscopic length and time scales. The research covered such areas as electronic structure and related properties, mesoscopic dynamics and transport, and the complex behaviour of nonequilibrium and disordered systems. Of particular interest are the nanoworld phenomena, the understanding of which depends on predictive modelling and simulation.
In addition, the work carried out at COMP involved research into theoretical methods as well as simulation and computing techniques, such as algorithms, parallel and grid computing, and scientific visualisation.
Quantum Dynamics |
Prof. Päivi Törmä |
Complex Systems and Materials |
Prof. Mikko Alava |
Computational Chemistry |
Prof. Kari Laasonen |
Electronic Properties of Materials |
Prof. Martti Puska |
Computational Electronic Structure Theory |
Prof. Patrick Rinke |
Computational Soft and Molecular Matter |
Dr Olga Lopez-Acevedo |
Materials and Molecular Modelling |
Prof. Jaakko Akola |
Multiscale Statistical Physics |
Prof. Tapio Ala-Nissilä |
Quantum Computing and Devices |
Dr Mikko Möttönen |
Quantum Many-Body Physics |
Dr Ari Harju |
Surfaces and Interfaces at the Nanoscale |
Prof. Adam Foster |
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