阿尔托大学 - Aalto University in Chinese

阿尔托大学 - Aalto University in Chinese



Four students gathered around a table and studying in the campus library.
专业列表 - study options




Design, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Design is not linked purely to physical objects but digital experiences and abstract concepts as well, enhancing its power to shape the world. Embracing these opportunities, the Bachelor’s Programme in Design prepares students for designing future products, services and systems in a creative and critical manner.

Design thinking female

Quantum Technology, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Are you fascinated by quantum physics? Eager to innovate practical applications of quantum? Come study Quantum Technology at Aalto University! The Quantum Technology major launches you to the forefront of the ongoing quantum revolution in computation, communication, sensing, and simulation.

Aalto University / two students working together in a co-working space / photography Aino Huovio

Economics, Bachelor of Science (Economics and Business Administration) and Master of Science (Economics and Business Administration)

The Economics programme provides tools and knowledge to understand and explain current phenomena in the world from an economic perspective.

Student sitting outside of the School of Business building

Chemical Engineering, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Local and global challenges caused by global warming, pandemic events, or over consumption are becoming more and more complex and urgent. Interdisciplinary actions are needed to solve them. The Chemical Engineering major offers a highly multidisciplinary education including mathematics, computational tools, chemistry, biochemistry, life sciences, and chemical engineering.

Students in lab with protective gear

Computational Engineering, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Are you interested in using computers to model and simulate the physical world? If yes, come study Computational Engineering at Aalto!

Department of Accounting: Unto Rautio

Data Science, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Data science gives you the foundations to become a top-level expert in the modern knowledge society. You will obtain the required skills to solve real-world problems using methods of algorithm design, machine learning, artificial intelligence, statistical inference, operations research, and optimization.

Aalto University / students in a class room / photography Aino Huovio

Digital Systems and Design, Bachelor of Science (Technology), Master of Science (Technology)

Digital Systems and Design educates specialists in various fields of digital systems. This major gives you competence in engineering design, as well as project planning and management, employing tools from embedded systems, control theory, and signal processing.

Aalto University / students in the corridor / photography Aino Huovio

International Business, Bachelor (BScBA, Mikkeli) and Master of Science (Otaniemi) in Economics and Business Administration

The Bachelor’s Programme in International Business provides students with a comprehensive range of skills and knowledge to build, develop and lead companies on a global scale. A bachelor’s degree in business with an international focus opens up a wide variety of career opportunities across all industries and continents.

Students sitting by Mikkeli's Cathedral.


阿尔托大学是一所将艺术设计,技术工程、商业经济这三个领域独特结合的高等学府。 目前,阿尔托大学总共开设有六个具有顶尖研究与教学水平的学院:艺术、设计与建筑学院,商学院,化学工程学院,电气工程学院,工程学院和理学院。


    School of Engineering


    工程学院,致力于通过创新研究与教育,为工业和建筑环境的可持续发展提供新的专业知识与解决方案。主要研究方向为机械与结构工程、能源与环境工程、建筑环境等。学院拥有两个国家重点研究中心(Centres of Excellence in Research funded by the Academy of Finland):激光扫描研究中心、北极航运和运营中心。

    School of Business Creative Sustainability

    School of Business


    欧洲顶尖商学院,北欧首个获得全部三项全球顶级认证的学院(AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS), 主要研究方向为管理与教育研究。

     School of Chemical Engineering / Chemarts

    School of Chemical Engineering



    CS defence SCI computer science

    School of Science


    理学院, 拥有2个国家重点研究中心(Centres of Excellence in Research funded by the Academy of Finland)。研究方向包括先进能源解决方案、凝聚态与材料物理学、基于商业的科技创新、数据科学与人工智能、健康技术、神经科学、软件工程等。

    Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering

    School of Electrical Engineering



    Aalto University / School of Arts, Design and Architecture

    School of Arts, Design and Architecture




    Real Estate Economics

    Master's admissions

    Aalto University organises various admissions and each of them have their own admission requirements, schedules and instructions. On this page you can find instructions for Master's admissions 2020.

    Admission Services
    students in Aalto library

    Applying to Bachelor's Programmes

    The application period for bachelor's programmes in English is 3–17 January 2024 for studies starting in autumn 2024.

    Admission Services
    Group of students


    你是否好奇在阿尔托大学里面学习是一种怎样的体验,或者想了解在奥塔涅米 (Otaniemi) 或米凯利 (Mikkeli) 校区丰富多彩的学生生活?在Unibuddy的官方平台上注册账号后,可随时跟阿尔托学生们进行线上交流,获知关于在阿尔托生活学习的新鲜趣事和实用讯息。


    Aerial photo of the Aalto University campus




    Brändikuvat Unto Rautio




    Two Aalto University's students walking in Otaniemi in the winter.





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