Aalto Ice and Wave Tank
Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose basin ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.
COLDHUB funded by NordForsk and formed by Aalto, DTU, NTNU and UNIS. The hub includes laboratories (ice basin, cold rooms) and field sites (Svalbard, Greenland)
The hub establishes a network of infrastructures to support the development of solutions to cold climate challenges in the face of climate change.
For consortium universities, COLDHUB provides access to facilities that do not exist nationally. The laboratories and field sites supplement each other to form an internationally unique combination of research infrastructures.
Research in the hub is organised through six user programmes.
Open access to publications: Research results should be made available through open access within six (6) months of publication.
Open access to data: Research-generated data shall be considered available to the general public after the Project has been concluded.
40 m wide, 40 m long, 2.8 m deep
Scaled ice properties, thickness typically ranges between 20–60 mm
Through COLDHUB, Aalto Ice and Wave Tank will be available for visitors from DTU, NTNU, and UNIS for one week (two ice sheets) per year.
Technical and safety tutorials by will be given by Aalto University technical personnel before experiments begin. The experiments will be planned and conducted jointly by the consortium organisations in COLDHUB workshops and complement field experiments in Svalbard.
Experiments may include, but are not limited to, studies on the following topics:
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Aalto Ice and Wave Tank is a multipurpose basin ideally suited for testing ships and other maritime structures in ice conditions.
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