Aalto 2nd Internal Funding Call Autumn 2023 - For India and USA Global program pilots
Funding for proposals with India and USA
Aalto is entering Phase 2 (2023-2024) of the Global program pilots in India and the USA: At this stage our focus emphasizes increasingly the launch of new ventures/exploration of new opportunities, which build on the results of phase 1 and develop new external funding sources. To deliver on Phase 2, we implement strategic but flexible Aalto-specific India and U.S.-engagement programs, which are designed around the most concrete opportunities emerging from the collaboration environments in India and the U.S.
Aalto is offering financial support for research collaboration projects with India and USA in three categories:
1. Flexible short-term mobility funding for academics and staff for conferences, participation in Business Finland delegations, visits for benchmarking and competence development (Rolling deadline as long as funding suffices);
2. Seed-funds for new initiatives and proposals to develop larger funding proposals;
3. New projects or second stage funding for existing Global pilot projects based outcomes achieved and plans for continuation
Detailed description on the criteria for funding, the evaluation process and format for the application is given below.
Criteria for funding (Category 1): Flexible short-term mobility funding (about 5000 euros/proposal)
Purpose of the funding: Strategic Network Development with stakeholders in i.e. academia, industry and government in target regions. Funding priority will be given to travel that can combine meetings/activities with several stakeholder groups. The total budget available for India mobilities is 25,000 Euros and for USA is 46,000 Euros.
The funding supports activities that,
- Explore and develop new opportunities/networks/stakeholder relations in target regions
- Are in alignment with Aalto strategy
The funding covers,
- Travel costs for Aalto faculty, staff and doctoral students.
- Costs that may include, e.g.,
- Meetings / visits in preparation of joint projects
- Networking events, such as workshops and seminars to bring together faculty, staff and/or students to strengthen existing collaborations and foster new links.
- Collaborative events involving staff and students from both institutions to explore new ideas for cooperation.
- The funding is supposed to support outbound mobility. In well reasoned cases inbound visits to Aalto University can also be funded.
- The funding needs to be used by 31.12.2024
Evaluation Criteria
- The applicant is an employee of Aalto University, with a current work contract at Aalto University at least until the end of 2024.
- The proposal
- is clear, logical and realistic;
- clearly highlights how the proposal supports or further develops the strategic networks of Aalto University;
- clearly shows the development potentials of the travel
Evaluation process for Category 1
Proposals are evaluated by the Global Engagement team, and the final funding decisions are made by Kirsi Kettula, Head of Global Engagement.
Application format and submission
Please fill in the application form for mobility funding under Criteria 1 at: “Project proposal”
Final reporting
Free form description including the progress of the project, the outcomes, and the next steps in 1-3 power point slides to [email protected] (India) and [email protected] (for USA). Deadline for reporting not later than 15.12.2024.
Criteria for funding (Category 2 & 3):
The total budget available for Category 2 & 3 is 200,000 euros for engagement activities with India and 415,000 euros for activities with the USA.
The funding decisions will be made by the Vice President for Research based on the evaluation and recommendation of the Research Steering Group (ReSG).
i. The funding supports initiatives that establish or intensify research collaborations in Aalto’s strategic research areas with the target regions and partners through one or several of the following means (suggestive but not limited to),
- Joint research projects, workshops, preparation of funding applications, joint publications, mobility of researchers and staff etc.,
- Promoting and disseminating the excellence of the Flagships in the focus of the pilots (for example, joint seminars, workshops, events, match-making events, promotional events, marketing events for PhD/Post Doc positions, research show cases etc.,)
- Identifying or testing new and innovative ways of cooperation that brings added value to the partnerships (for example, collaboration with industries and startups, creation of events for knowledge exchange, benchmarking, Residencies of Chairs for joint research etc.,)
- Creating activities that showcase Aalto as a strong leader among the Finnish partners towards a long term and sustainable collaboration with the target regions (for example, establishment of thematic expert groups for long term cooperation, collaboration with Finnish partners, drafting white papers for policy level funding, dialogues with funding organizations and innovation eco systems in target countries etc.,) and,
- Piloting or sustaining mutually beneficial educational cooperation supporting research may also be included (for example, joint supervision, joint courses with ECTS, summer schools, double degrees in PhD education, student mobility etc., in areas relevant for research)
Category 2 seed-funds initiatives (up to 30.000 €) in an early development stage and prefers applicants who seek the funding to develop larger funding applications with Indian or U.S.-colleagues (i.e. within the framework of the Finnish Research Council's partnership with NIH and NSF).
Category 3 prioritizes already more mature projects. Projects which received Global Pilot funding in 2022 and can show good results are also encouraged to apply for a one year project extension (max. 50.000 €).
ii. Please note that,
- The applicants are professors (at any level) or permanent employees of Aalto University, or at least postdoctoral-level researchers having work contact with Aalto University at least until the end of 2024.
- The proposals should show a clear roadmap for creating and sustaining the cooperation for long term.
- The proposals should include a minimum of one partner from the respective regions (India/USA). Projects which can link to Finnish partners outside of Aalto University (e.g. companies/research institutes/Universities/UAS) are especially encouraged to apply.
- The funding needs to be used by 31.12.2024
iii. The funding can be used for,
Covering salaries (basic salary + up to 30% personnel side cost (HSK), no overheads (YK)), travel costs, accommodation, organizing events, materials for research (for use in Aalto), publications and participation in joint conferences for the faculty, researchers and students from Aalto. Also, stipends and travel and accommodation costs etc., for visiting students, researchers, faculty and staff from partner institutions from the target regions.
iv. The funding cannot be used for,
Covering the costs for the other Finnish partners and transferring funds to the partner institutions for covering the purchase of research materials or salaries. The costs for the expenses (for example flight tickets and accommodation) can be reimbursed or covered directly (for example, hotel costs in Finland). Meanwhile this is an Aalto internal project, no overheads (YK) are applied to any of the cost categories.
Evaluation criteria and process (for Category 2 & 3)
Criteria | Percentage of points |
Relevance to Aalto strategy (key research areas) and scientific quality | 50 |
Relevance to the strategy of MEC pilot e.g. - Match with the Flagship area in focus (e.g. FCAI, 5G/6G, FinnCERES) - Fit with MEC target partner institutions (India)/target regions (USA - Colorado, Minnesota, Michigan, Maine, Texas, Washington and the Silicon Valley ) - Collaboration with Finnish partners - Industry involvement - Events and activities for promoting Flagships |
25 |
Key outcome - Clarity in creating an impact within the Pilot duration - Objective to secure additional external funding and plans for sustaining the cooperation for a long term |
25 |
Total | 100 |
The timetable for the evaluation process is,
Submission deadline of proposals - 06.10.2023
Evaluation by ReSG - 06.11.2023
ReSG meeting - 20.11.2023
Declaration of results and start of the projects - 21.11.2023
End of projects - 30.11.2024
Application format and submission
Please fill in this application form "Project proposal" for funding under Criteria 2 & 3. The DL for submissions is 06.10.2023. The application form allows saving the draft and continuing later.
For further information, please contact the Coordinators of the Pilots,
India Pilot - [email protected], +358504316400
USA Pilot - [email protected] +358 50 4305770
More information on the Pilots,
India Pilot - Aalto FICORE
USA Pilot - University network | FARIA Finnish American Research and Innovation Accelerator
Successful proposals are recommended to liaise and work closely with the Pilot coordinators to support the overall success of the pilots.