Collaborative and Industrial Design

Experience Design Project

Experience Design Project (XDP) provides students an opportunity to test their design skills in a company project. A team of students is assigned a company client, who gives them a design brief. The student team makes a project plan and delivers two design outcomes: a prototype addressing the client's expectations, and a radical solution proposal. While students have the freedom to utilize their learned skills in design, this class teaches students experience design, i.e., how to define and use experience goals as the guiding star in design teamwork. The (radical) outcome can be an app, physical object, space, event - whatever can best realize the target experience of the user.
People in workshop

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course, students are able to:

  • Apply experience goal -driven method in design.
  • Work on a design project with a company client.
  • Produce a realistic project plan for a design project.

Responsible Teacher

 Virpi Roto

Virpi Roto

Senior University Lecturer
  • Published:
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