Collaborative and Industrial Design

Introduction to Algorithmic Design

This introductory course encourages the students to apply computational mode of thinking for their design problems, when applicable. It provides the initial skills and understanding in applying a suitable programme, such as Grasshopper, for solving some design problems and for providing geometry or other design output. The course includes both practical exercises and homework, as well as visiting lecturers from the field of computational design, which provides an inspiration for the participants. While the course involves 3D design exercises, the principles and learning content are applicable to many fields. The course will require individual learning effort outside the lecture hours.
Purple lamps

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, students are able to:

  • Use suitable computational design environment such as Grasshopper to develop solutions for simple design tasks.
  • Recognize and apply opportunities of applying computational thinking and algorithmic approaches for design.
  • Continue learning suitable computational design approaches relevant to their objectives.
  • Learn good practices for the algorithmic definitions, such as documenting and organization of the visual code.
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