Collaborative and Industrial Design

Strategic Style Management and Exploration

The course introduces students to theories and practices for style management and exploration in design – with foci on the significance of style in brand and portfolio management, the strategic use and management of design style in such proceeses and the work of designers in shaping the expressive qualities of organizations and their offerings more generally.

The course is organized around weekly lectures and assignments through which students are introduced to different style conceptions and guided to explore their varied implications for design. A design project also runs throughout the course in which students are tasked to articulate design guidelines to produce objects in a particular style and prototype their realization in form.
Kuva joka kuvaa EMMA-museon Yrjö Kukkapuron näyttelyä Taikahuone

Learning Outcomes

After completing the course, students are able to:

  1. Discuss the strategic relevance and management of design styles and their organizational and societal groundings.
  2. Explore the style of an object using different conceptual frameworks, tools and methods.
  3. Articulate and present design guidelines for strategically producing objects in a particular style. 
  4. Apply design guidelines when producing to produce objects in a particular style.
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