Collaborative and Industrial Design

Turkka Keinonen

Potrait of Professor Turkka Keinonen

Turkka Keinonen (doctor of arts) is a professor of industrial design, vice dean of research and head of doctoral education at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Previously Keinonen has worked as industrial designer for Finnish technology industries including ship building, paper machinery and medical equipment, been a principal research scientist at Nokia Research Center and visiting associate professor at National University of Singapore. Keinonen’s publications include Mobile Usability (2003), Product Concept Design (2006), Designers, Users and Justice (2017) and about 100 other publications on human centred design, product concept design, design strategy and ethics of human centred design.


Picture: Industryhack

User Inspired Design - Making

The course addresses visual and narrative approaches to human-centred design to illustrate users, use, concepts and contexts for reflective design, collaboration, evaluation and persuasion purposes. The course gives students skills in illustrating and explicating different aspects of products and the use of products and services by visual and narrative means. The students learn to choose, compose and apply design artefacts for different communication purposes that are necessary for designing material and immaterial concepts and solutions for socio-technical systems. They learn how to create design artefacts that invite contributions and create stakeholders' commitment, material for iterating and annotating the progress of design, to adjust the angle of scrutiny by choosing appropriate representations, to clarify complex relationships and isolate critical issues, to convince their audiences and to justify their solutions, and to contextualize design concepts. They learn how to use visual media to support oral communication and how to create self-standing presentations with media such as drawings, photos, videos, interactive demonstrations, physical props or mock-ups.

Collaborative and Industrial Design
IDBM students gathered around a table and drawing

User Inspired Design - Knowing

The course is an introduction to the collaborative design competence area. The course gives an introduction to the vocabulary, background and methodology of usability, design ethnography, user experience, co-design, interaction design, service design, accessibility and socially responsible design.

Collaborative and Industrial Design

Latest publications

Rethinking Design in the Public Sector : A Relational Turn

Suzan Boztepe, Jörn Christiansson, Amalia De Götzen, Leigh-Anne Hepburn, Turkka Keinonen 2024 International Journal of Design

Special Issue on Design in and for the Public Sector (International Journal of Design Vol. 18 No. 3 2024)

Suzan Boztepe, Jörn Christiansson, Amalia De Götzen, Leigh-Anne Hepburn, Turkka Keinonen 2024 International Journal of Design

Public Libraries and Digital Service Development : Bridging the Gaps in Company Collaborations

Nils Ehrenberg, Camila Hergatacorzian, Turkka Keinonen 2024 International Journal of Design

Public libraries as a partner in digital innovation project : Designing a virtual reality experience to support digital literacy

Johanna Ylipulli, Matti Pouke, Nils Ehrenberg, Turkka Keinonen 2023 Future Generation Computer Systems

Volunteer-based IT Helpdesks as Ambiguous Quasi-Public Services - a Case Study from Two Nordic Countries

Camilla Christensen, Nils Ehrenberg, Jörn Christiansson, Erik Grönvall, Joanna Saad-Sulonen, Turkka Keinonen 2022 Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (NordiCHI’22)

Human-centred design and equality

Turkka Keinonen 2022 Designing Change : New Opportunities for Organisations

Co-Living as a Rental Home Experience: Smart Home Technologies and Autonomy

Nils Ehrenberg, Turkka Keinonen 2021 Interaction Design and Architecture(s)

The Technology Is Enemy for Me at the Moment: How Smart Home Technologies Assert Control Beyond Intent

Nils Ehrenberg, Turkka Keinonen 2021 CHI 2021 - Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Designs For a Cooler Planet 2020

Enni Äijälä, Teija Löytönen, Turkka Keinonen 2020
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