Contemporary Design


by Markus Vainio
Sustainable packaging
A white paper bag like packaging with a pink phrase saying ”will work for food”

How could we increase recycling among people? Should we re-thinking the branding around biowaste? 

Bioa is a project experimenting with the possibilities to use biodegradable nonwoven textile as a biowaste bag material. It is a proposal on how the future of recycling biowaste could be more designed and efficient for the user.

Two images of a paper bag like packaging made of nonwoven textile
Close up of the packaging with a phrase: ”will work for food”

Sheets of nonwoven textiles and beeswax are placed between two sheets of baking paper and heated with iron causing the beeswax to impregnate into the non-woven textile. After cooling, the sheet is cut into the final dimensions and folded to the wanted shaped biobag.

The seams of the bag are sealed by melting the impregnated beeswax causing it to stick together after cooling.


Photos in the studio: Esa Kapila
Photos In the lab:  Mira Nittymäki

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