Corporate collaboration

Capstone: Future Proofing supply chains

Future-proofing supply chains is a project-based CAPSTONE course to be completed at the end of MSc studies. It is a part of the Information and Service Management (ISM) programme, which comprises of 3 disciplines: Supply Chain Management, Information Systems Science and Business Analytics.
Katri Kaupin CAPSTONE-kurssin loppuesitykset
Final presentation for Meluton's representatives. Photo: Aalto University / Roope Kiviranta

Future-proofing supply chains course is designed to help students synthesize and demonstrate what they have learned. The purpose of the course is to learn how to strategically prepare supply chains for the risks and opportunities of the future. The course welcomes real-life challenges from companies with global supply chains who struggle with challenges related to e.g. climate change, sustainability, risk management, availability issues or digitalization. Earlier, the course has partnered e.g. with Reima, Kemira and Posti.

The course is a project-based CAPSTONE-course designed around a real business case. The structure of the  course consists of:

  • Lectures on key challenges and megatrends impacting supply chains, with a focus on risks
  • Lectures on scenario planning & supply chain management strategies and tools
  • Case company workshop (overview, supply chain management details, the assignment)
  • Independent group work, 1-2 meetings with academic advisor and company advisor per group
  • A report & presentation of the work to case company

Several “competing” groups will work for each case company.

What can the company expect from taking part in this course?

The course partner will gain:

  • Customized consultancy reports from several groups of final year students with a background in supply chain management, information system science and business analytics
  • Innovative ideas and input to supply chain management
  • Promotion of company image as an employer among course participants
  • Visibility in different Aalto media channels afterwards for broader impact
  • Opportunity to network with final year students for potential recruitment

The suggestions for solutions and improvements we received from the students partly exceeded our expectations, given the short duration of the course and the data available, and gave us really good ideas that we can work on ourselves.

Sasu Mäntyniemi, Senior Planning Manager, Reima

What is required from the company?

  • The case assignment and company materials/information will be formulated beforehand with prof. Katri Kauppi. The company can determine the scope, focus etc.
  • Participation in kick-off company workshop on campus for introducing the assignment (~3h) 
  • Participation of a company advisor in 1-2 additional (online) meetings with each group working on the project (depending on student numbers, probably 3-5 groups)
  • Availability of a named company contact between the meetings for questions by email
  • Attending the final workshop with student presentations (~4 hours) and giving feedback after the presentations

What do the students receive?

The student team is responsible for all aspects of the project (6 ECTS credits). After completing the course, students will be able to:

  • Identify, analyze and solve real-life business problems from a multi-disciplinary viewpoint
  • Apply the knowledge and skills gained during their studies to real-life business tasks and challenges
  • Manage complex projects and work in diverse teams
  • Present a case report both orally and in writing critically reflect on their learning process and outcomes

Course details

  • Contact: Professor Katri Kauppi, [email protected], tel. +358 (0)50 4017 112
  • Project duration: 1,5 months (Spring: January - February)
  • Number of students per case: 3-5 groups, consisting of 3-4 students each
  • Project fee for a company: no fee
  • Application period for companies: August to October 2024 (for the Jan-Feb 2025 course)
  • More information: (link to course page to be updated later)
Toimitusketjujen hallinnan Capstone-kurssin loppuesitykset

All parties benefit from collaborative projects in education

Students had the opportunity to tackle real-life challenges in the CAPSTONE course on supply chain management

Katri Kaupin CAPSTONE-kurssin loppuesitykset

In the supply chain management CAPSTONE course students worked on future challenges

Students were able to solve real-life challenges, receiving support from the professor and company representatives

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