Beekeeping workshop
Beekeeping workshop at The Test Site: building and installing new frames for the resident bees
The Test Site interlinks an open community with a physical space in Ossinlampi Otaniemi campus. This student-led network enables experimental and synergetic projects in practical sustainability.
The initiative stems from students from the Creative Sustainability Master's Programme, but is open for all students and teaching purposes.
Since the launch of the site, supporters of the initiative include Sitra, Aalto Sustainability Hub (ASH), ACRE and Helsinki Region Environmental Services Authority (HSY).
Come hear from Aalto Test Site about their pilot project of three fertilizer research projects this summer
Beekeeping workshop at The Test Site: building and installing new frames for the resident bees
Summery get-together with good music, tasty food, sauna, and amazing people with Aalto Sustainability Club
Creative Sustainability Master's students host this hands-on workshop to learn about common practices with Josh Finch from Agroecology at The Test Site
Aalto Creative Sustainability students harvest the honey from their bee hives at The Test Site