Department of Applied Physics

Quantum Dynamics (QD)

The research interests of the QD group lead by Professor Päivi Törmä are quantum coherent dynamics and quantum many-body phenomena in condensed matter and photonic systems. We are active in the fields of superconductivity and nanophotonics, and we combine theory and experiment.
Quantum dynamics group page main figure.


The goal of the Quantum Dynamics group is to find novel quantum phenomena that may occur in future quantum materials and designed nanosystems. The phenomena we have been interested in include superfluidity, superconductivity, topological phases of matter, Bose-Einstein condensation, lasing, and strong coupling between light and matter in the nanoscale.

In our condensed matter theory research, we have discovered that superconductivity in a flat energy band is connected to the quantum metric and has a lower bound given by a topological invariant, the Chern number. We continue to explore the role of quantum geometry in condensed matter physics, especially in superconductivity.

In our photonics research where we combine experiment and theory, we have experimentally observed strong coupling between dye molecules and plasmonic light modes. Arrays of metal nanoparticles offer us great opportunities for designing the band structure and the modes of light. We have observed Bose-Einstein condensation in such a plasmonic lattice, as well as dark-mode and quasicrystal lasing associated with topological charges.

We fabricate plasmonic lattices using nanolithography and measure their optical properties in our lab, which includes a femtosecond laser setup for studies of quantum dynamics.

In the theory work, we use both analytical approaches and advanced numerical methods, such as dynamical mean field theory.

The Quantum Dynamics group collaborates globally to achieve its goals. Päivi Törmä leads two international research collaborations, SuperC 2033 which targets room temperature superconductivity, and SCOLED which aims at efficient organic LEDs, and is the co-Director of the Simons Collaboration on New Frontiers in Superconductivity. We also participate in a Future Makers project developing optical control of spin waves for energy efficient computing.

You can find below some of our publications, however click here for a full list of our Latest Publications. You can also find below Media coverage which includes public-accessible descriptions of our work and Alumni showing where people from our group have proceeded.

Latest publications

High topological charge lasing in quasicrystals

Kristian Arjas, Jani Matti Taskinen, Rebecca Heilmann, Grazia Salerno, Päivi Törmä 2024 Nature Communications

T-matrix representation of optical scattering response : Suggestion for a data format

Nigar Asadova, Karim Achouri, Kristian Arjas, Baptiste Auguié, Roland Aydin, Alexandre Baron, Dominik Beutel, Bernd Bodermann, Kaoutar Boussaoud, Sven Burger, Minseok Choi, Krzysztof M. Czajkowski, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, Atefeh Fazel-Najafabadi, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton, Puneet Garg, David Globosits, Ulrich Hohenester, Hongyoon Kim, Seokwoo Kim, Philippe Lalanne, Eric C. Le Ru, Jörg Meyer, Jungho Mun, Lorenzo Pattelli, Lukas Pflug, Carsten Rockstuhl, Junsuk Rho, Stefan Rotter, Brian Stout, Päivi Törmä, Jorge Olmos Trigo, Frank Tristram, Nikolaos L. Tsitsas, Renaud Vallée, Kevin Vynck, Thomas Weiss, Peter Wiecha, Thomas Wriedt, Vassilios Yannopapas, Maxim A. Yurkin, Grigorios P. Zouros 2024 Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer

Biss et al. Reply

Hauke Biss, Lennart Sobirey, Niclas Luick, Markus Bohlen, Jami J. Kinnunen, Georg M. Bruun, Thomas Lompe, Henning Moritz 2024 Physical Review Letters

Observation of quantum metric and non-Hermitian Berry curvature in a plasmonic lattice

Javier Cuerda, Jani M. Taskinen, Nicki Källman, Leo Grabitz, Päivi Törmä 2024 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Pseudospin-orbit coupling and non-Hermitian effects in the quantum geometric tensor of a plasmonic lattice

Javier Cuerda, Jani M. Taskinen, Nicki Källman, Leo Grabitz, Päivi Törmä 2024 Physical Review B

Electromagnetic effects in anti-Hermitian media with gain and loss

L. Freter, M. S. Mirmoosa, A. Sihvola, C. R. Simovski, S. A. Tretyakov 2024 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Tensor product space for studying the interaction of bipartite states of light with nanostructures

Lukas Freter, Benedikt Zerulla, Marjan Krstić, Christof Holzer, Carsten Rockstuhl, Ivan Fernandez-Corbaton 2024 Physical Review A

Lasing in nanoparticle arrays with complex unit cells

Rebecca Heilmann, Kristian Arjas, Päivi Törmä 2024 Nanophotonics X

Geometric superfluid weight of composite bands in multiorbital superconductors

Guodong Jiang, Yafis Barlas 2024 Physical Review B

Why is there no Poisson spot in a solar eclipse?

Jami J. Kinnunen 2024 American Journal of Physics
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal

Media coverage

Quantum dynamics group members

Research group members

Rebecca Heilmann

Rebecca Heilmann

Postdoctoral Researcher
Evgeny Mamonov

Evgeny Mamonov

Postdoctoral Researcher

Junze Deng

Postdoctoral Researcher


Degree Name Current position
PhD(2024) Jani Taskinen VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
PhD(2024)  Ville Pyykkönen UPM-Kymmene
PhD(2023) Rebecca Heilmann-Rämö  Aalto University
PhD(2023) Kukka-Emilia Huhtinen ETH Zürich
PhD(2021) Antti Moilanen ETH Zürich
PhD(2020) Marek Nečada University of Eastern Finland
PhD(2020) Aleksi Julku QuantrolOx (Aarhus University)
PhD(2020) Aaro Väkeväinen Microsoft HoloLens
PhD(2018) Rui Guo Ajat
PhD(2018) Tuomas Vanhala Tampere University (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
PhD(2018) Heikki Rekola University of Eastern Finland (Tampere University)
PhD(2017) Anne-Maria Visuri Kipu Quantum (University of Bonn, University of Geneva)
PhD(2015) Elmer Doggen Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (CNRS, University of Toulouse)
PhD(2014) Miikka Heikkinen Accenture
PhD(2014) Anna Korolyuk Sanoma Oy
PhD(2013) Antti-Pekka Eskelinen Murata Electronics
PhD(2011) Jussi Kajala 3DBear (Tekes, Spinverse)
PhD(2010) Mikko Leskinen Biit Oy
PhD(2009) Marcus Rinkiö Murata Electronics
PhD(2009) Tommi Hakala University of Eastern Finland (Aalto University, Harvard University)
PhD(2009) Anton Kuzyk Aalto University (Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems, Stuttgart; Technische Universität München)
PhD(2008) Timo Koponen Varian Medical Systems
PhD(2006) Jami Kinnunen Aalto University (JILA, Boulder)
PhD(2006) Sampo Tuukkanen Tampere University
PhD(2005) Pasi Kivinen Microsoft HoloLens (Murata Electronics)
PhD(2005) Anu Huttunen Nokia Research Center
PhD(2003) Mirta Rodriguez IRIS Research / Engineering / Technology (Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, Madrid; ICFO Barcelona; University of Oxford)
Postdoc Javier Cuerda  
Postdoc Lun-Hui Hu Zhejiang University
Postdoc Gabriel Topp Dispelix
Postdoc Pavel Kliuiev Microsoft HoloLens
Postdoc Konstantinos Daskalakis University of Turku
Postdoc Pramod Kumar Dispelix (Aalto University)
Postdoc Long Liang Sichuan Normal University (Nordita, Stockholm; Aalto University)
Postdoc Marek Tylutki Warsaw University of Technology
Postdoc Jildou Baarsma ASML Semiconductors
Postdoc Arya Dhar Visseiro Digital Healthcare (Leibniz University, Göethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Postdoc Mikko Huttunen Tampere University (University of Ottawa)
Postdoc Stéphane Derom Universite de Bourgogne
Postdoc Shaoyu Yin Zhejiang University of Technology (ZJUT) (University of Birmingham)
Postdoc Lei Shi Fudan University, China
Postdoc Robert Moerland Lumicks (TU Delft, The Netherlands)
Postdoc Dong-Hee Kim Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Korea
Postdoc Alexander Itin Universität Hamburg
Postdoc Francesco Massel University of Southeast Norway (University of Jyväskylä, University of Helsinki)
Postdoc Andreas Johansson University of Jyväskylä
Postdoc Reza Bakhtiari Universität Hamburg (Göethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Postdoc Lars Melwyn Jensen University of Copenhagen
Postdoc Jani Martikainen Aalto University (Nordic Institute for Theoretical Physics (NORDITA))
Postdoc Vesa Ruuska  
Postdoc Jarmo Vanhanen Lemi School
Senior researcher Jussi Toppari University of Jyväskylä
MSc(2022) Jaakko Kähärä University of Helsinki
MSc(2018) Miika Mäkelä SSF - Space Systems Finland
MSc(2018) Antti Ranni Lund University
MSc(2013) Juha Kreula Boston Consulting (University of Oxford)
MSc(2012) Joel Lehikoinen Kaiku Health
MSc(2010) Olli Nummi Fortum Nuclear Services
MSc(2009) Kimmo Laitinen University of Eastern Finland
MSc(2008) Ville Kotimäki JAMK University of Applied Sciences
MSc(2007) Joni Pasanen University of Jyväskylä
MSc(2007) Veikko Linko Aalto University (Technische Universität München)
MSc(2007) Marina Timmermans (Zavodchikova) Imec, Belgium (Aalto University)
MSc(2006) Heli Lehtivuori University of Jyväskylä (Tampere University of Technology)
MSc(2006) Lasse Hirviniemi  
MSc(2005) Tomi Paananen Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf
MSc(2005) Mikko Laitinen University of Jyväskylä
MSc(2004) Jukka Elfström Moventas Wind
MSc(2003) Esa Tarkiainen Enermet
MSc(2002) Arto Javanainen University of Jyväskylä
MSc(2002) Ossi Partanen Nordic Semiconductor
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