Department of Applied Physics

Quantum Transport (QT)

The research group works on theoretical problems in quantum transport.

Our group works on theoretical problems in quantum transport. Central research topics include dynamic single-electron emitters, noise and fluctuations in electronic conductors, single-electron tunnelling and interactions, and charge transport in hybrid micro-wave cavity architectures. In related areas, we are also interested in non-classical correlations and entanglement as well as quantum jump trajectories. We employ a range of theoretical tools from scattering theory, quantum many-body physics, and statistical mechanics.

Contact: Prof. Christian Flindt

Latest publications

Adiabatic Cooper pair splitter

Fredrik Brange, Riya Baruah, Christian Flindt 2024 Physical Review B

Heat Pulses in Electron Quantum Optics

Pedro Portugal, Fredrik Brange, Christian Flindt 2024 Physical Review Letters

Interacting electrons collide at a beam splitter

Fredrik Brange, Christian Flindt 2023 Nature Nanotechnology

Lee-Yang theory of Bose-Einstein condensation

Fredrik Brange, Tuomas Pyhäranta, Eppu Heinonen, Kay Brandner, Christian Flindt 2023 Physical Review A

Photon emission statistics of a driven microwave cavity

Pedro Portugal, Fredrik Brange, Kalle S.U. Kansanen, Peter Samuelsson, Christian Flindt 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Lee-Yang theory of quantum phase transitions with neural network quantum states

Pascal Vecsei, Christian Flindt, Jose Lado 2023 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Dynamical quantum phase transitions in strongly correlated two-dimensional spin lattices following a quench

Fredrik Brange, Sebastiano Peotta, Christian Flindt, Teemu Ojanen 2022 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Nonequilibrium phase transition in a single-electron micromaser

Fredrik Brange, Aydin Deger, Christian Flindt 2022 Physical Review B

Effective temperature pulses in open quantum systems

Pedro Portugal, Fredrik Brange, Christian Flindt 2022 PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH

Lee-Yang theory of the two-dimensional quantum Ising model

Pascal Vecsei, Jose Lado, Christian Flindt 2022 Physical Review B
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal
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