KARMI Accommodating urban spaces to aging population
The objective of the study is to evaluate the age-friendliness of the Finnish cities in the network through case studies. The project combines statistical and GIS-based data (Syke) with qualitative data and user involvement (Aalto University) in order to assess possibilities to enhance actions towards more user-friendly environment. The research question are: how have the qualitative factors for age-friendliness been implemented in the urban environment? and how does the Age-friendly Cities framework shape the urban environment in the case study cities? The objective is to provide further information on the practical measures to enhance age-friendliness through urban design and universally designed living environments.
Duration: May 2024 – May 2025
Keywords: Age-friendly cities, urban design, user participation
Funder: The housing finance and development centre in Finland ARA.
People involved in the project
Ira Verma (D.Sc in Architecture) is working as a Senior scientist in the Research Group for Health and Wellbeing Architecture, at the Department of Architecture, Aalto University. She has long experience of various national and international research and development projects related to living and care environments for older adults, user centered design, and Universal Design. She is networking internationally and has recently been chairing conferences in Aalto University on these themes: International conference on Architecture Research Care and Health ARCH24, and International conference on Universal Design UD2021. She participates in teaching on related topics at the department. Her doctoral thesis called Housing Design for All in the context of ageing society was published in 2019.
In collaboration with Finnish Environment Institute Syke (contact: Antti Rehunen)
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