Department of Art and Media

Bachelor's Programmes

The Bachelor of Art and Media programme trains diverse professionals in art education and visual communication design. The programme has two main majors: Art Education and Visual Communication Design. In addition to its own majors, the programme includes a minor, optional studies and the possibility of exchange studies abroad. The education is based on artistic activity, research and sectoral professional practices in both majors.
Photo by Petri Juntunen, called Untitled (Of Clouds and Clocks), 2019. A horse standing in front of clouds in the red-shaded picture.
Petri Juntunen: Untitled (Of Clouds and Clocks), 2019

BA Programmes in Art and Media

Hands covered in clay, orange henna tattoo showing on both hands

Art Education Degree Programmes: Bachelor's & Master's programmes

Kuvataidekasvatuksen pääaineessa kuvataidetta ja visuaalisen kulttuurin ilmiöitä lähestytään kasvatuksen, pedagogiikan ja yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttamisen näkökulmista.

Department of Art and Media
BA VCD, Experiment: Technology about 3D animation and audiovisual projections.

Visual Communication Design Programme: Bachelor's programme

The BA Visual Communication Design major is dedicated to bachelor’s level education in graphic design and visual communication in Finnish. The VCD BA major is closely connected and developed together with the VCD MA major, where the BA graduates can continue without an application process.

Department of Art and Media

BA Programme in Design

Design thinking female

Design, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Design is not linked purely to physical objects but digital experiences and abstract concepts as well, enhancing its power to shape the world. Embracing these opportunities, the Bachelor’s Programme in Design prepares students for designing future products, services and systems in a creative and critical manner.

Study options
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