Department of Art

About us

Through studying at the Department of Art, you will gain skills and expertise in teaching, making, mediating, discussing, and critiquing art and other forms of visual culture. In our programs, art and cultural work are understood in part as forms of critical and social practice that create and contest meaning, and mediate different experiences and relationships. In this sense, students create knowledge through their own studies that withstands final closure, and critically reflect upon, and respond to past, present, and future.

At the department, you will study, create, and explore art and other forms of visual cultures towards some not-yet-known future of “becoming.” 

The department has three studies: Art Education, Nordic Visual Studies, and Visual Cultures, Curating, and Contemporary Art. The course and program offerings build a well-rounded and well-tailored degree that supports both depth and breadth. The Department of Art also engages in transdisciplinary studies that enrich learning across Aalto University and beyond. You can learn cutting edge concepts and practice towards:

  • Art and science partnering together for biological art studies, investigating technologies for seeing and being seen, developing virtual worlds, creating games and understating the gamification of societies.
  • Art, media, and engineering partnering together for embodied interaction, environmental planning, urban conceptualization, critical cartography, and electrical arts.
  • Art, social sciences, and education partnering to study the best practices in Nordic institutions and organizations, global and transnational movements and practices, posthuman and network theories.
Research and artistic activities at the Department of Art
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