Doctoral Students of the Department of Art
List of Doctoral Students at the Department of Art
Amir Einat
Title of doctoral thesis: Raising Empathy: Synthesizing Participatory Performance Art and Social Psychology Experiments
Arnkil Harald
Title of doctoral thesis: Väri, emootio ja todellisuus - kohti uutta väriharmonian ja väri-ilmaisun määritelmää
Bäckman Freja
Title of doctoral thesis: Working together
Brinck Jaana
Title of doctoral thesis: In the city! Design education in the urban space and urban organization / Kaupunki In! Muotoilukasvatus kaupunkitilassa ja kaupunkiorganisaatiossa
Chernyakevich Bogdan
Title of doctoral thesis: Why do we like illusions? Study on the phenomenology of visual illusions in architecture, art and design practices
Close Rebecca
Title of doctoral thesis: Intervening the (Inter)Face of the Future: Reproduction in the Post-Internet Age
Costa Fereira da Silva Gisele
Title of doctoral thesis: Where is the magic? Intersections between Visual Phenomena and the concept of “creative industry”
Coyotzi Borja Andrea
Title of doctoral thesis: The practice of the Infra-ordinary
Del Rio Aurora
Title of doctoral thesis: Archetypes of Contamination.
Fast Heidi
Title of doctoral thesis: Sensibiliteetti ja laulun lumo. Laulun lumovoimaan perustuvan taiteellisen menetelmän kehittäminen semiokapitalismin oloissa.
Godin Marie-Andrée
Title of doctoral thesis: WWW³ (WORLD WIDE WEB / WILD WO.MEN WITCHES / WORLD WITHOUT WORK) – Notes on Magic, Futures and Postcapitalism
Hakala Outimaija
Title of doctoral thesis: Eläinyksilö kuvataiteessa – toislajisen subjektiarvon mahdollisuudet taiteellisessa työskentelyssä
Heino Marjo
Title of doctoral thesis: Yhteisötaiteelliset prosessit maisemansuojelun perustana
Herrala Satu Kristiina
Title of doctoral thesis: What is possible in arts that is not possible otherwise?
Hyun Kwon Ji
Title of doctoral thesis: North Korean, and the relationship between North Korean media and fine art
Irigoyen Ramos Jon
Title of doctoral thesis: Art as Resistance
Jalonen Vappu
Title of doctoral thesis: Friction – Body Affected by Clothes / Hankaus – Vaatteista vaikuttunut ruumis
Jensen Anna
Title of doctoral thesis: Unheimlich ja lähiöt – lähiöiden kammottava tuttuus
Kaisto Heta
Title of doctoral thesis: The Image of the Outside: The stucture and processes of experience and understanding of trauma and in the documentary and non-documentary
Kangasniemi Paula Elina
Title of doctoral thesis: Lisääkö kuvataide palliatiivisessa hoidossa olevien elämänlaatua?
Karasch Agnieszka
Title of doctoral thesis: Mutuality in Visual Art Didactics
Kauppila Toni
Title of doctoral thesis: The Space for Unforced Errors: Choreographing the Architectural Drama of the Everyday
Kaverina Ksenia
Title of doctoral thesis: Sites of Knowledge, Times of Intervention: Following the Curatorial from Narration to Impossible Hearing
Kayacan Sinem
Title of doctoral thesis: Fluidity of Corporeal Body and Corporeal Experiences
Keski-Korsu Mari
Title of doctoral thesis: Interdisciplinary art practice in the crisis of humanity – Emphatic rituals as agency for change
Kiiler Eve
Title of doctoral thesis: Archives and Memory of the Places in Contemporary Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian Art
Koivisto Outi
Title of doctoral thesis: Tekstitaidetta kaupunkitilassa
Koskinen Anne
Title of doctoral thesis: Taiteilijaidentiteetti ja sen ilmeneminen. Originaalisuus ja originaali.
Kyllönen-Kunnas Päivi
Title of doctoral thesis: Muovinen ja tarkoituksen läpäisemä. Taiteilijan aie ja taideteoksen materiaalisuus konservointiteorian näkökulmasta.
Laaksonen Nina Hannele
Title of doctoral thesis: Värihavainto kokemuksena. Moniaistisen väriajattelun didaktisia ja metodisia perusteluja postmodernissa kuvataidekasvatuksessa.
Lauterback Gloria
Title of doctoral thesis: Contemplate thyself under laboratory conditions: the illumination of the reflective space in the narrative space through practice-led research
Lindroos (Lehmusruusu) Teemu
Title of doctoral thesis: Säkeitä ravintoketjulta / Trophic Verses. Maaperä tieteen ja taiteen kohtauspaikkana.
Ljokkoi Kristiina
Madsen Tina Mariane Krogh
Title of doctoral thesis: The Intensities of Matter – Affective Encounters in Environmental Performance Art
Mehta Ali Akbar
Title of doctoral thesis: Archives and the Entangled Transformations of Online Performativity
Mäki-Reinikka Kasperi
Title of doctoral thesis: Mixing Fields – Conditions and Implementations of Interdisciplinary Art
Mousavi Ali
Title of doctoral thesis: Capital as Vampire of Spaces. Towards a critical investigation in production of space.
Muyanja Michael
Title of doctoral thesis: From Home to School: Using Art Education in Visual culture. The case for discipline-based art education—an approach of teaching and learning in primary schools of Uganda.
Nurminen Marja
Title of doctoral thesis: Ajattelua vai tekniikkaa – Piirustuksen opetus Taideteollisessa korkeakoulussa ja Konstfackissa
Okulov Jaana Johanna
Title of doctoral thesis: Subjectivity patterns of multimodal experience: computational approaches to aesthetics
Pevere Margherita
Title of doctoral thesis: Arts of vulnerability. A queer and feminist reading of biological art practice.
Piascik Anna Wioletta
Title of doctoral thesis: The wilderness inside us
Pinto Tiago
Title of doctoral thesis: Erasing identities: Creating a parallel between the Sámi people in Finland and the Cape Verdean immigrants in Portugal
Qureshi Abdullah
Title of doctoral thesis: Queer Investigations: Towards a History of Queerness in Pakistani Visual Arts
Raevschi Alexandru
Title of doctoral thesis: The land of Other People, Memory, Trauma and its aestheticization
Rahaa (Sadatizarrini) Sepideh
Title of doctoral thesis: From female body, identity and representation to the contemporary art case study middle-eastern women living in Finland
Rousseau Grégoire
Salmi Kaisa
Schuller Judith Flora
Title of doctoral thesis: Active Objects - The Role of Materiality in Memorial Practice
Sindvald Larsen Anne-Kristine
Title of doctoral thesis: Fashion and Dress within Ordinary People of Renaissance Scandinavia, 1550-1650
Sohlman Annika
Title of doctoral thesis: The empty space filled with silence? Communicative silence through arts-based research in the educational context
Sushchenko Oleksandra
Title of doctoral thesis: Image modification: dialectics of the aesthetic and the political in contemporary art
Tervaharitala Marika
Title of doctoral thesis: Kuvataideopettajan ammatti-identiteetti
Tordera Nuno Eva
Title of doctoral thesis: Faulty Memories (System Error): A Contemporary Speculation from Chronic Pain to the Self
Trygg Tarja
Title of doctoral thesis: Solarigrafia. Analogisen ja digitaalisen valokuvauksen murroksessa.
Valja Heikka
Title of doctoral thesis: Gaming experience – The meaning of games in art education / Pelikokemus – Pelien merkitys kuvataidekasvatuksessa
Valja Pinja
Valle Noronha Marina
Title of doctoral thesis: When Museums No Longer Exist: Speculations on the flow of objects from museum storage to the commons in the age of environmental disasters
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