Department of Computer Science

Algorithms and Theoretical Computer Science

Fundamental methods and mathematics of computation.
Algorithms and theoretical computer science, illustration Matti Ahlgren/Aalto University

Theoretical computer science studies the fundamental methods and mathematics of computation: the design of efficient algorithms, models and frameworks for computing, and the resource requirements of computational tasks.

Research topics: algebraic algorithms, approximation algorithms, combinatorial optimization, cryptography, Security & Complexity, distributed and parallel computing, natural computation, parameterized algorithms.

For more information on our research, please see the homepage of Theoretical Computer Science group.

Professor Paler infront of the Comptuer Science department

Alexandru Paler: Creating software for quantum computers

The newest professor to join the department of computer science tells us about how, when you cut through all the hype, quantum computing is full of interesting challenges that unites diverse fields

Piirroskuva ihmisestä digimaailmassa, piirros: Sanni Wessman

The builders of digital trust

A society gone online needs encrypters, white hats and appropriately suspicious citizens.

Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak started as an assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science in January.

Tough questions through computational geometry

Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak started as assistant professor at the Department of Computer Science in January. He is looking forward to collaborative research and illuminating the beauty of computational geometry to students and colleagues alike.

Jukka Suomela Research Group

Aalto researchers awarded for an article showing that algorithms cannot match more effectively than they do now

Any method designed to find a matching is either slow or leads to a wrong solution

Voronoi Mona Lisa

Researchers at Aalto and Karolinska developed a microscope without a microscope

DNA microscopy makes it possible to view biological molecules on micro-level without expensive optics.

Jara Uitto sitting at Computer Science building, looking at the camera and wearing an orange t-shirt with a panda on it

Many practical issues are related to questions of theory – this steered Jara Uitto’s interest towards theoretical computer science

Even though theoretical computer science is – as its name suggests – theoretical, its connection to real-life questions is easy to draw, says Assistant Professor Jara Uitto.


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Latest publications

Euclidean TSP in Narrow Strips

Henk Alkema, Mark de Berg, Remco van der Hofstad, Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak 2024 Discrete and Computational Geometry

Queuing Theory Models for (Fault-Tolerant) Quantum Circuits: Analysis and Optimization

Robert Basmadjian, Alexandru Paler 2024 Quantum Computing

The Asymptotic Rank Conjecture and the Set Cover Conjecture Are Not Both True

Andreas Björklund, Petteri Kaski 2024 STOC 2024 - Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing

The Shortest Even Cycle Problem Is Tractable

Andreas Björklund, Thore Husfeldt, Petteri Kaski 2024 SIAM JOURNAL ON COMPUTING

Breaking DPA-Protected Kyber via the Pair-Pointwise Multiplication

Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Gustavo Banegas, Chris Brzuska, Łukasz Chmielewski, Kirthivaasan Puniamurthy, Milan Šorf 2024 Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 22nd International Conference, ACNS 2024, Proceedings

CryptoZoo : A Viewer for Reduction Proofs

Chris Brzuska, Christoph Egger, Kirthivaasan Puniamurthy 2024 Applied Cryptography and Network Security - 22nd International Conference, ACNS 2024, Proceedings

Approximating Sparsest Cut in Low-Treewidth Graphs via Combinatorial Diameter

Parinya Chalermsook, Matthias Kaul, Matthias Mnich, Joachim Spoerhase, Sumedha Uniyal, Daniel Vaz 2024 ACM Transactions on Algorithms

No Distributed Quantum Advantage for Approximate Graph Coloring

Xavier Coiteux-Roy, Francesco D'Amore, Rishikesh Gajjala, Fabian Kuhn, François Le Gall, Henrik Lievonen, Augusto Modanese, Marc Olivier Renou, Gustav Schmid, Jukka Suomela 2024 STOC 2024 - Proceedings of the 56th Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing

Distributed half-integral matching and beyond

Sameep Dahal, Jukka Suomela 2024 Theoretical Computer Science

A General Design Method for Scaffold-Free DNA Wireframe Nanostructures

Antti Elonen, Abdulmelik Mohammed, Pekka Orponen 2024 Unconventional Computation and Natural Computation - 21st International Conference, UCNC 2024, Proceedings
More information on our research in the Aalto research portal.
Research portal

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Department of Computer Science
Artistic depiction of a bright light in space / made by Ray Scipak

School of Science

Science for tomorrow’s technology, innovations and businesses

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