Department of Design

Design Culture Events

Events organised by the Design Culture research group
Feminist Border Crossings seminar poster

Feminist Border Crossings

A Seminar in Celebration of the Launch of Design Culture Studies Research Group and the 20th Anniversary of the Gender Studies Network HILMA 

Friday 11 October 2024, 1300–1730h

T003 + T004, Otaniemi campus 

Some parts of the event will be video-recorded

Register for the event here

Registration period: 30.8.2024 13:55 – 3.10.2024 23:59


Welcome to the half-day seminar which brings together academics from different disciplinary backgrounds and career stages to network and discuss the development of design studies as a field. It explores the significance of design in contemporary society from a feminist perspective, shedding light on its significance in the development of the field, and how design as a discipline and practice is part of those wider societal processes where humans, their identities and personal and collective experiences are given shape and meaning. 
The seminar also celebrates the 20th anniversary of Hilma, the network of ten gender studies units in Finland.  

After the keynote presentation and panel discussion, we warmly welcome you to participate in an academic speed–dating event for researchers where it is possible to meet like-minded scholars, find new collaborators and discuss research interests. 

The seminar is co-organized with the Design Culture Research Group of the School of Art, Design and Architecture and the Department of Management in the School of Business. 


13.00 Opening words: Guy Julier & Annamari Vänskä, Co-leaders of the Design Culture Research group

13.10 Greetings from the Hilma network: Professor Leena-Maija Rossi, University of Lapland

13.15-14 Keynote by Professor Hazel Clark: Women's Wisdom – Re-framing the Study of Design and Fashion

14-15 Panel discussion: Futuring Feminist Border Crossings in Fashion and Design. The Evolving Landscape of Terminology.


  • Professor of Design Studies and Fashion Studies Hazel Clark (Parsons School of Design, NY)
  • Professor of Gender Studies Leena-Maija Rossi (University of Lapland)
  • Senior University Lecturer Saija Katila, Dept. of Management Studies (Aalto BIZ)  
  • Teacher, researcher and activist Louna Hakkarainen
  • Professor of Practice in Fashion Practice Ervin Latimer (Aalto ARTS); Founder and Creative Director of Latimmier 
  • Moderators:  
    Annamari Vänskä, Senior Lecturer of Design Cultures & Guy Julier, Professor of Design Leadership, Dept. Of Design, Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture 

15-15.30 Coffee break

15.30-16.30 Academic speed dating for PhD and Post Doc researchers

16.30-17.30 Free mingling


Hazel Clark is the Professor of Design Studies and Fashion Studies at Parsons School of Design in New York. She teaches fashion studies and design studies in the School of Art and Design History and Theory (ADHT) where she initiated the MA in Fashion Studies, and the former MA in Design Studies as Dean of the School of ADHT. In Spring 2015 she served as Interim Dean of the School of Fashion, and in fall 2018 as Acting Director, MA Fashion Studies at Parsons Paris. Professor Clark holds a PhD in design history, and a first degree in Fine Arts. Her scholarship has focused on uncovering new perspectives, cultures and geographies for the study of fashion and design, in Europe, the United States, and China. Her scholarly articles and books include: The Cheongsam (Oxford UP, 2000), the co-edited Old Clothes, New Looks: Second Hand Fashion (Bloomsbury, 2005), The Fabric of Cultures: Fashion, Identity, and Globalization (Routledge, 2009), Design Studies: A Reader (Bloomsbury, 2009), the article: 'SLOW + FASHION - an Oxymoron, or a Promise for the Future..?', (Fashion Theory, December 2008); the co-authored Fashion and Everyday Life: Britain and America (Bloomsbury, 2017; the co-edited anthology Fashion Curating: In the Museum and Beyond (Bloomsbury, 2017). She has served as a professional consultant and a fashion expert in the media. At the New School she has held public conversations with fashion luminaries including Diane von Furstenberg and Eileen Fisher. For further information: 
Leena-Maija Rossi is the Professor of Gender Studies at the University of Lapland. She has also taught gender studies and art history at the University of Helsinki. Currently she serves as Vice Dean for Research of the Faculty of Education at ULAP. In 2011-16 she was the Executive Director of the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York. Professor Rossi holds a PhD in art history and women’s studies, and the title of Docent at the University of Helsinki and the University of Turku. Her research interests include visual culture at large, feminist and queer theory, and intersectionality. Her publications include the books Heterotehdas (Gaudeamus, 2003) and Muuttuva sukupuoli (Gaudeamus, 2015), and the articles “Something is Happening in and to the Margins,” in Loukola & al. (eds.) Figurations of Peripheries through Arts and Visual Studies (Routledge, 2023) and “Queer Studies,” in Lindroth et al. (eds.) Critical Studies on the Arctic (Palgrave McMillan, 2022). Rossi has also curated a number of exhibitions in Finland and abroad. 

Louna Hakkarainen is a teacher, researcher and activist with a background in science and technology studies and the sociology of technology. She has been teaching a Gender & Technology course in feminist technoscience at Aalto University since 2021. In previous years, Louna has focused on advocacy work to tackle gender-based digital violence and online harassment. She is a board member of The Nordic Digital Rights and Equality Foundation. Louna defended her doctoral thesis at Aalto University's Department of Design in 2017. Currently, Louna works as a senior specialist in the field of research and innovation at Diaconia University. 

Ervin Latimer is a professor of practice in fashion practice at Aalto University. His creative practice revolves around questions of gender performance, anti-racism, queer culture, and social sustainability. Latimer is the founder of ready-to-wear label Latimmier which examines the ways we use garments to perform masculinity. Beyond his design responsibilities, Latimer is actively involved in various cultural initiatives in Finland. He's the co-founder and vice-chair of Ruskeat Tytöt ry (Brown Girls), a non-profit organization with a mission to normalize the perspectives of people of color in Finnish media and society, and a board member of the foundation for the Finnish Cultural Institute in New York, among others. 

Saija Katila is an Adjunct professor and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management Studies at Aalto University, School of Business. Her research draws on practice-based theories of organizing and pays special attention to constitution of inequalities in and through practices be it in academic, entrepreneurial, leadership or spatial practices. Her latest research engages with feminist new materialism and writing differently.  

Guy Julier is Professor of Design Leadership at Aalto University. He is author of several books including The Culture of Design (3rd rev ed 2014) and Economies of Design (2017) and co-editor of Design and Creativity: Policy, Management and Practice (2009) and Design Culture: Objects and Approaches (2019). 

Annamari Vänskä is Senior University Lecturer of Design and Fashion Cultures at Aalto University. She has authored and co-authored several books: Fashionable Childhood. Children in Fashion Advertising (2018), Fashion Curating. Critical Practice in the Museum and Beyond (2018), Intiimin kosketus. Kehon tieto, luova työ ja digitalisaatio suomalaisessa nykymuodissa (2022), Intimacy. Embodied Knowledge, Creative Work and Digitalization in Contemporary Finnish Fashion (2023) and Understanding Fashion Scandals. Social Media, Identity and Globalization (2024).

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Design Culture brings together academics in the Department of Design who explore the significance of design in contemporary society.

Design Culture Research Group

Exploring the significance of design in contemporary society.


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Fashion scandals publication
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