Department of Design

Finnish Design Push

The Finnish Design Push is a joint research and development initiative on education – formed in partnership between the School of Arts, Design & Architecture and the Technology Industries of Finland to further the use of design within Finnish industry.
Aalto University Photo: Tuomas Uusiheimo

Design is increasingly recognized as an important resource for the growth and development of small-and medium-sized companies. With the Finnish Design Push initiative – in strengthening the ties between students and technology companies – we are seeking new ways for education to take part in this.  

Bringing academia-industry collaboration to the core of design education

Design is pivotal for companies to stay competitive and innovative across many industries – aiding companies in developing their offerings, deepening their engagements with customers, and expanding into new markets. With the Finnish Design Push initiative, we strive to enhance the readiness of design students to take on such challenges in entering worklife while simultaneously boosting the design awareness and capabilities of Finnish SMEs.  

Taking a curriculum perspective on academia-industry collaboration, we enable SMEs to deepen their expertise about design while exploring real-world challenges and opportunities in partnership with our students in study projects and internships. We also perform benchmark studies to better understand how the benefits of academia-industry collaboration best can be harnessed within an educational context.

We focus on

  • Fostering new connections and mutual learning between business professionals in small- and medium-sized companies and design educators and students at the School of Arts, Design & Education.
  • Developing and prototyping new educational practices and structures for academia-industry collaboration to raise the awareness about design within small- and medium-sized companies while supporting students in learning about Finnish industry throughout their studies and transitioning into work life.

What can we do together?

Through the Finnish Design Push initiative – in prototyping a new model for collaboration together with the Technology Industries of Finland – we are partnering with Finnish SMEs to better understand how real-world projects can support the learning of our students in courses and internships and, in doing so, better be integrated into the mandatory curriculum for our design programs.

How can we work together?

The Finnish Design Push initiative builds on the success of the Aalto Summer Design Studios project which ran at the School of Arts, Design & Architecture at between 2019 and 2021 in which design students were given an opportunity to work on the real-world design project for companies during the summer with support from professionals working in Finnish Design agencies. 

The learning gained from these projects pushed us to explore new modes for academia-industry collaboration and prototype a new structure to embed real-world challenges within in our design programs, and we are grateful for the generous support and funding from the Centennial Foundation of the Technology Industries of Finland, Von Julin Foundation, and Metex Foundation in pursuing this. 

Want to know more?

Oscar Person

Finnish Design Push Lead, Associate Professor
 Pirita Posti

Pirita Posti

Corporate Relations Manager

Further reading

Kaksi naista tekemässä kankaisia rintamerkkejä. Kuva: Marko Oikarinen / Aalto-yliopisto

Corporate collaboration

Research collaboration strengthens expertise and future business development. New product and service ideas are created in study projects. Our campus offers an inspiring operating and networking environment. At Aalto's recruitment events, companies meet the top talents of the future.

Design thinking female

Design and Media, Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Design is not linked purely to physical objects but digital experiences and abstract concepts as well, enhancing its power to shape the world. Embracing these opportunities, the Bachelor’s Programme in Design prepares students for designing future products, services and systems in a creative and critical manner.

Study options
Main image of Aalto Design Research Page

Aalto Design Research

Aalto Design Research is a leading centre of excellence of enquiry in and through design.

Department of Design
Students riding bikes in front of the Aalto University Väre building, photo by Unto Rautio

School of Arts, Design and Architecture

One of the most prestigious universities in its fields. We educate our students to create imaginative, collaborative, compassionate and unconventional approaches to the most pressing challenges of today.

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