Department of Design

Soft Logic

Soft Logic is a research interest group situated within the Department of Design at Aalto University. We are dedicated to exploring how applied textile thinking can contribute to the development of aesthetically and emotionally rich soft user interfaces.
Sofia Guridi's Light Tissue
Light Tissue | Design by Sofía Guridi | Photo by Vertti Virasjoki
A hand placed on a fabric with colourful wires and electronic components attached.
Layered Approaches | Design by Emmi Pouta | Photo by Mikko Raskinen

From creating smart textile prototypes and conducting case studies to designing immersive art installations, we are dedicated to embedding aesthetics, layered narratives, and deep expertise in textile fabrication techniques into the fabric of smart textile interfaces. Recognizing the profound impact of personal histories and cultural contexts, our research is rooted in material-driven, practice-based exploration, with a strong emphasis on hands-on experimentation.

We foster a non-hierarchical and collaborative environment, where knowledge creation thrives through open exchange across disciplines—bringing together textile design, interaction design, electronics engineering, machine learning, and material science.


Sofia Ilmonen Biocolour

Fashion/Textile Futures

The Fashion/Textile Futures research group explores new perspectives on human-centered design research. The group approaches research in the field of fashion, clothing and textiles in multi-faceted ways.

Department of Design
Smart gloves in Wearable Systems Lab, Aalto University. Image: Mikko Raskinen/Aalto University

Wearable Systems Lab

Wearable Systems Lab provides facilities for developing and testing prototypes of eTextiles-based wearable devices and augmented/virtual/mixed reality applications and devices.


Opportunities with Multi-Layer Weave Structures in Woven E-Textile Design

Emmi Pouta, Jussi Mikkonen, Antti Salovaara 2024 ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)

Towards More Sustainable Interactive Textiles: A Literature Review on The Use of Biomaterials for eTextiles

Sofía Guridi, Matteo Iannachero, Emmi Pouta 2024 CHI '24: Proceedings of the 2024 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

Borrowed Matter/Materia Prestada

Sofía Guridi 2024 Interactions

A Proof-of-Concept Study on Smart Gloves for Real-Time Chest Compression Performance Monitoring

Sofía Guridi, Henry Mauranen, Emmi Pouta, Guna Semjonova, Desale Tewelde Kahsay, Clayton Souza Leite, Riitta Rosio, Laura-Maria Peltonen, Miretta Tommila, Sanna Salanterä, Yu Xiao 2024 IEEE Access

LIGHT TISSUE: Development of cellulose-based optical textile sensors

Sofía Guridi, Emmi Pouta, Ari Hokkanen, Aayush Jaiswal 2023 TEI '23: Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction

Woven Variables–Investigating the Influence of Conductive Float Arrangements on the Performance of Woven Piezoresistive Pressure Sensors

Jingting Ma, Emmi Pouta, Ramyah Gowrishankar, Yu Xiao 2023 Proceedings of Textile Intersections Conference

Integration of carboxymethyl cellulose waveguides for smart textile optical sensors

Sofía Guridi, Ari Hokkanen, Aayush Kumar Jaiswal, Nonappa Nonappa, Pirjo Kääriäinen 2022 IEEE Sensors

Intertwining material science and textile thinking: Aspects of contrast and collaboration

Emmi Pouta, Riia Vidgren, Jaana Vapaavuori, Mithila Mohan 2022 Design Research Society International Conference

Woven eTextiles in HCI—a Literature Review

Emmi Pouta, Jussi Mikkonen 2022 DIS '22: Proceedings of the 2022 ACM Designing Interactive Systems Conference
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