Department of Design

Studio | Lab | Forest (2019-2024)

From the Lab and the Studio to the Forest, the Garden and back
Studio|Lab|Forest project by INUSE research group: image of area within forest with various planting and netting overhead
A garden in rural Colombia

“From the Lab and the Studio to the Forest, the garden and back” project contributes to a research agenda for conceptualizing (and contesting) collaborative design and innovation, otherwise. It does so by looking at a series of distributed, experimental and inventive arrangements and operations that are located at the margins of main stream discourses and research on innovation spaces, while at the same time being highly dependent on them. The project describes and proposes new infrastructural relations and distributed, collaborative and experimental arrangements for invention and design otherwise, as they are located in a variety of everyday life practices and spaces outside laboratories and studies.

Funding: Academy of Finland


INUSE Research Projects
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