Department of Electrical Engineering and Automation

Smart Building Technologies and Services

The aim of the group is to advance research and teaching within smart buildings.
Aalto smart building research group

The group was established in 2016 and current research areas are semantics for building systems, user centricity in smart buildings, advanced control systems and smart building rating systems. Research is conducted in close co-operation with companies and associations in the field.

Ongoing research projects

Past research projects

Doctoral school of smart buildings operates in connection with the research group. It provides funding for post-graduate studies and offers opportunity for collaboration with companies in real estate and construction sector. The doctoral school has been made possible by a five-year donation by Center for Electrical Engineering and Energy Efficiency (STEK), Electrical Contractors’ Association of Finland (STUL), Finnish Electrotechnical Trade Association (STK), K.V. Lindholm Foundation, Kiinteistösäätiö, Finnish Association of Civil Engineers (RIL), Granlund, Helvar, Ramboll and Caverion.

The group’s personnel are:

Everyday choices: Ken Dooley, what makes a building smart?

This professor of practice wants to solve frustrating problems with simple tools.

Kenneth Dooley on aloittanut viisivuotisen kautensa työelämäprofessorina lokakuussa 2022 Aalto-yliopiston sähkötekniikan ja automaation laitoksella. Kuva: Aalto-yliopisto / Nita Vera

Smart buildings make life easier and use less energy

In a smart building, the lighting system learns how occupants move throughout the building, transport robots talk to lifts, and users are guided to available workspaces by a mobile app. A new doctoral school at Aalto University is set to boost development in the field of smart buildings.

Vihreä-musta-valkoisessa piirroskuvassa on silmälasipäinen henkilöhahmo, jolla on päässään tohtorinhattu, jonka päällä on elektroniikasta tuttu virtanäppäimen symboli.

Saving energy with smart building services engineering

The donation for the teaching and research in smart building services engineering and smart buildings has accelerated the development of the field and inspired new students.


Additional donations towards smart building services engineering

The role of smart buildings will grow further in the breakthrough brought about by renewable energy and digitalisation.

Aalto logo at the Otaniemi campus

Solutions for buildings through smart building services engineering

Aalto University gets a donation of over a million euros for the development of education and research into smart building technology and smart buildings.

A-logo at Otaniemi. Photo: Mikko Raskinen / Aalto University
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