Department of Industrial Engineering and Management

Open Positions

We conduct world-class research and education focusing on the creation and transformation of technology-based business. The department’s areas of focus include strategy and venturing, operations and service management and entrepreneurial leadership.
DIEM open positions

Aalto University is where science and art meet technology and business. We shape a sustainable future by making research breakthroughs in and across our disciplines, sparking the game changers of tomorrow and creating novel solutions to major global challenges. Our community is made up of 12 000 students, 400 professors and close to 4 000 other faculty and staff working on our dynamic campus in Espoo, Greater Helsinki, Finland.

Diversity is part of who we are, and we actively work to ensure our community’s diversity and inclusiveness. This is why we warmly encourage qualified candidates from all backgrounds to join our community.

Two (2) Doctoral Researcher Positions at the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management of Aalto University:

The department is seeking to hire Doctoral Researchers to new areas of research within the department’s three strategic focus areas: Organizational Design and Leadership, Operations and Service Management, and Strategy and Venturing

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Closing date for the applications is May 2, 2024 

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