Latest publications
Navigating Place : Extending Perspectives on Place in Organization Studies
The role of cross-sector partnerships in the dynamics between places and innovation ecosystems
The role of passion diversity, compassion, and self-compassion for team entrepreneurial passion
Rigour vs. Reality: Contextualizing Qualitative Research in the Low-Income Settings in Emerging Markets
Biochar Development in the Urban Environment : A Case Study of Sludge Char Production in Finland
Flowing Carbon / Designs for a Cooler Planet
Unpacking the relationship between sense of place and entrepreneurs’ well-being
Aging and entrepreneurs' emotional exhaustion: The role of entrepreneurial strategy, psychological capital, and felt age gap
Counternarrating entrepreneurship
Place in Entrepreneurial Storytelling: A Study of Cultural Entrepreneurship in a Deprived Context
Recent dissertations
Wierenga, M. 2020. Innovative entrepreneurial processes in the low-income context. (external link)
This dissertation shows the roles of innovative low-income entrepreneurs in developing solutions which are relevant to the problems of people living in conditions of poverty.
Nissilä, H. 2020. Pursuing legitimacy for solar energy: essays on temporality and collective spaces in nascent fields (external link)
This thesis explores how legitimation has unfolded between different communities in the solar energy field.
Peixoto, I. 2019. Organizing for Sustainability in Transnational Market Reforms - Studies of the EU Biofuels Market. (external link)
This thesis examines the recent transnational market reform in the European Union's market for road transport biofuels (2003-2015).
Haukkala, T. 2019. The wicked problem of a low carbon energy transition - Structure, agency and framing in the multi-actor process of solar PV deployment in Finland. (external link)
This thesis addresses the wicked problem of a low carbon energy transition in Finland by examining the multi-actor process of solar PV deployment in Finland from the perspective of the classic social science triangle of structure, agency and framing.
Nahi, T. 2018. Company-NGO interaction for poverty reduction: Co-creation of inclusive business. (external link)
This thesis asks what inclusive business co-creation entails in low-income contexts and what hurdles need to be overcome for co-creation to marry profit making with poverty reduction.
Apajalahti, E-L. 2018. Large energy companies in transition - From gatekeepers to bridge builders. (external link)
This doctoral thesis explores the activities and strategies of large energy companies and the way their activities contribute to a change of the socio-technical energy system.
Ruuska, T. 2017. Reproduction of Capitalism in the 21st Century: Higher Education and Ecological Crisis. (external link)
In this thesis, the connection between capitalism, higher education, and ecological crisis is established and studied.
Linna, P. 2017. Innovating by “making do with what is at hand”: Creating opportunities in low-income markets. (external link)
This doctoral dissertation examines how entrepreneurs innovate within resource scarce contexts at the bottom of the pyramid.
Houtbeckers, E. 2016. Mundane social entrepreneurship - A practice perspective on the work of microentrepreneurs. (external link)
The overall aim of this study is to increase the understanding of social entrepreneurship by analysing the social entrepreneurship assumptions in academic discourse, which offer a formula for social change, and the mundane practices of microentrepreneurs.
Laihonen, M. 2016. Political foreplay for nuclear new build - Defining good at the intersection of politics, economy and technology. (external link)
This thesis examines the relationship of economy and society – politics whereby facts, ideologies and current ethical challenges are encountered – by investigating how the societal good is defined in political processes.
Rintamäki, J. 2016. Collective memory and corporate irresponsibility - A collection of essays. (external link)
This dissertation argues that organizations often have a tendency to attempt to influence perceptions of their own pasts – i.e. collective memory of them – particularly when it comes to instances of corporate irresponsibility, propose ways in which they go about reconfiguring their pasts, and through an empirical pilot study, demonstrate a struggle over the past of an organization that had been deemed irresponsible.
Rinkinen, J. 2015. Demanding energy in everyday life: Insights from wood heating into theories of social practice. (external link)
This thesis takes a practice theoretical perspective on domestic energy use. In doing so, it follows the emerging research approach in which energy use is examined in relation to mundane social practices.
Juntunen, J.K. 2014. Prosuming Energy – User Innovation and New Energy Communities in Renewable Micro-Generation. (external link)
This thesis examines energy prosumers' active engagement with renewable micro-generation technologies and draws from and contributes primarily to research on energy consumption, social shaping of technology, and user innovation research.
Heikkurinen, P. 2013. Reframing strategic corporate responsibility : from economic instrumentalism and stakeholder thinking to awareness and sustainable development. (external link)
This thesis attempts to reframe the field of strategic corporate responsibility by examining the responsibility of corporations in terms of their strategic means and ends.
Selected publications
Apajalahti, E-L., Lovio, R. & Heiskanen, E. 2015. From Demand Side Management (DSM) to Energy Efficiency Services: A Finnish Case Study. Energy Policy, vol. 81. P. 76–85.
Forssell, S., & Lankoski, L. 2018. Shaping norms. A convention theoretical examination of alternative food retailers as food sustainability transition actors. Journal of Rural Studies, vol. 63. P. 46-56. DOI:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2018.04.015
Goodman, J., Korsunova, A. & Halme, M. 2017. Our Collaborative Future: Activities and Roles of Stakeholders in Sustainability-Oriented Innovation. Business, Strategy & the Environment, vol.26:6. P. 731-753. DOI: 10.1002/bse.1941
Halme, M. & Korpela, M. 2014. Responsible innovation toward sustainable development in small and medium sized enterprises: A resource perspective. Business Strategy and the Environment, vol. 23:8. P. 547-566. DOI: 10.1002/bse.1801
Halme, M., Lindeman, S. & Linna, P. 2012. Innovation for Inclusive Business: Intrapreneurial Bricolage in Multinational Corporations. Journal of Management Studies, vol. 49:4. P. 743-784.
Halme, M., Rintamäki, J., Knudsen, J. S., Lankoski, L. & Kuisma, M. 2018. When Is There a Sustainability Case for CSR? Pathways to Environmental and Social Performance Improvements. Business & Society. P. 1-47.
Hart, S., Sharma, S. & Halme, M. 2016. Poverty, Business Strategy, and Sustainable Development. Organization and Environment, vol. 29:4. P. 401-415.
Heinonen, J., Jalas, M., Juntunen, J. K., Ala-Mantila, S., & Junnila, S. 2013. Situated Lifestyles: II. The Impacts of Urban Density, Housing Type and Motorization on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions of the Middle-Income Consumers in Finland. Environmental Research Letters, 8(3): 035050.
Heinonen, J., Jalas, M., Juntunen, J. K., Ala-Mantila, S., & Junnila, S. 2013. Situated Lifestyles: I. How Lifestyles Change Along with the Level of Urbanization and What the Greenhouse Gas Implications Are—A Study of Finland. Environmental Research Letters, 8(2).
Heiskanen, E., Nissilä, H. & Lovio, R. 2015. Building Demonstration Projects as Sustainable Niches for New Technology: Solar Building Integration in Finland. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 109. P. 347-356.
Hyysalo, S., Juntunen, J. K., & Martiskainen, M. 2018. Energy Internet forums as acceleration phase transition intermediaries. Research Policy, 47(5): 872–885.
Jalas, M. & Juntunen, J. K. 2015. Energy Intensive Lifestyles: Time Use, the Activity Patterns of Consumers, and Related Energy Demands in Finland. Ecological Economics, vol. 113. P. 51–59.
Joutsenvirta, M. 2016. A practice approach to the institutionalization of economic degrowth. Ecological Economics, vol. 128. P. 23-32.
Joutsenvirta, M. & Vaara, E. 2015. Legitimacy Struggles and Political Corporate Social Responsibility in International Settings: A Comparative Discursive Analysis of a Contested Investment in Latin America. Organization Studies, vol. 36:6. P. 741-777.
Juntunen, J. K., Halme, M., Korsunova, A., & Rajala, R. 2018. Strategies for Integrating Stakeholders into Sustainability Innovation: A Configurational Perspective. Journal of Product Innovation Management, Forthcoming.
Kokoulina, L., Ermolaeva, L., Patala, S. & Ritala, P. 2018. Championing processes and the emergence of industrial symbiosis. Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2018.1473568
Lankoski, L. & Smith, N. C. 2018. Alternative Objective Functions for Firms. Organization & Environment, vol. 31:3. P. 242-262.
Lankoski, L. 2016. Alternative Conceptions of Sustainability in a Business Context. Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 139. P. 847-857.
Lankoski, L., Smith, N. C. & Van Wassenhove, L. 2016. Stakeholder Judgments of Value. Business Ethics Quarterly, vol. 26:2. P. 227-256.
Levänen, J., Lyytinen, T. & Gatica, S. 2018. Modelling the Interplay Between Institutions and Circular Economy Business Models: A Case Study of Battery Recycling in Finland and Chile. Ecological Economics, vol. 154. P. 373-382.
Lindeman, S. 2014. “Until We Live Like They Live in Europe”: A Multilevel Framework for Community Empowerment in Subsistence Markets. Journal of Macromarketing, vol.34:2. P. 171-185.
Mattinen, M., Nissinen, A., Hyysalo, S., & Juntunen, J. K. 2014. Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Air-Source Heat Pump and Innovative Ground-Source Air Heat Pump in Cold Climate. Journal of Industrial Ecology, vol. 18:1. P. 61-70.
Nissilä, H., Lempiälä, T. & Lovio, R. 2014. Constructing Expectations for Solar Technology over Multiple Field-Configuring Events: a Narrative Perspective. Science and Technology Studies, vol. 27:1. P. 54-75.
Nissilä, H. 2015. Conferences as Sequential Arenas for Creating New Sustainable Fields. Industry and Innovation, vol. 22:3. P. 209-228.
Patala, S., Korpivaara, I., Jalkala, A., Kuitunen, A. & Soppe, B. 2017. Legitimacy Under Institutional Change: How incumbents appropriate clean rhetoric for dirty technologies. Organization Studies. DOI: 10.1177/0170840617736938.
Temmes, A., Räsänen, R-S., Rinkinen, J. & Lovio, R. 2013. The Emergence of Niche Protection through Policies: The Case of Electric Vehicles Field in Finland. Science & Technology Studies, vol. 26:3. P. 37-62.
Tura, N., Keränen, J. & Patala, S. 2018. The darker side of sustainability: Tensions from sustainable business practices in business networks. Industrial Marketing Management, in press.
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