Department of Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering

Molecular Nanoengineering

The Molecular Nanoengineering group operates at the interface between nanoscience, molecular self-assembly, DNA nanotechnology and nanoplasmonics with particular focus on DNA-based artificial molecular systems with functionalities tailored for biosensing, nanophotonics and biomimetics.
Molecular Nanoengineering


Mohammed Mustafa A Al Hussain

Doctoral Researcher
T314 Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering
Abraham Kipnis

Abraham Kipnis

Doctoral Researcher
T314 Dept. Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering



A gel being lit by a bright red light and stretched between two clips.

Making colours out of gold and DNA

Gold nanoparticles are arranged by custom DNA molecules to produce colours

Anton Kuzyk

Research project develops electrically controlled artificial molecular machines

Electronically controlled molecular machines would be faster as well as easier to manufacture, as they would not need to rely on sophisticated chemical synthesis.

DNA Hinge open without having light shone on it, and closing under illumination

Tiny origami controlled by light

Nanosized hinges can fold and unfold on command

Nantech-tapahtuma koostui esitelmistä ja posteriesityksistä. Kuva Matti Ahlgren / Aalto-yliopisto

Nantech brought nearly one hundred international researchers to Espoo

Understanding of computer science and mathematics becomes increasingly important in the field of DNA nanotechnology, says Professor Pekka Orponen

Plasmonic metamolecules. Picture: Marco Tripodi.

Self-assembled nanostructures can be selectively controlled

DNA self-assembly allows the unprecedented control of the optical properties of plasmonic metamolecules.


DNA builder gets inspiration from nature

Being able to build things in nanoscale can lead to useful bioinspired applications, says Assistant Professor Anton Kuzyk.

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