Drupal: Aalto.fi website

FAQ on aalto.fi and Drupal

Here you will find answers to some commonly asked questions regarding aalto.fi and its content management system Drupal.

Pages: content types and basic principles

Pages: metadata and navigation


Images and media



Guidelines and trainings

Read more in the Drupal guidelines and aalto.fi project blog

On the right edge a person with shoulder-length hair is moving out of the picture; behind them is a black background with narrow light strings horizontally on it.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website

Here, you can find instructions on how to make the most out of aalto.fi to visualise your pages and make your content findable. This page is also for the latest Drupal news and events.

Components: how to create content for aalto.fi?

Get to know the aalto.fi components for creating versatility and visuality when delivering your content.

Workday Learning sovellus käytössä. Kuvaaja / Unto Rautio

Need help with your Drupal content?

There is an abundance of resources available to web editors at aalto.fi. Learn about online resources, trainings and meetups that will help you create great content.

Drupal: Aalto.fi website
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