
7 Experiences – Aalto Experience Summit

7 Experiences – Aalto Experience Summit to endorse Experience Research as a multidisciplinary research field
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7 Experiences – Aalto Experience Summit to endorse Experience Research as a multidisciplinary research field

Human experiences are studied in many disciplines, but the related theories, methodologies and concept definitions are not actively shared across the disciplinary borders. Our goal is to establish a more solid multidisciplinary foundation for experience research. How to characterize experiences, how to communicate them to others, how to understand others’ experiences, how to create new experiences? Methods and theories from different fields of sciences and art are needed in this enterprise.

7 Experiences Summit is a place for different disciplines to meet and share perspectives to experience research.

Please find more information from the summit webpages 


TUESDAY Sept 1, 2020
3pm-7pm EEST, Finland

Opening: Virpi Roto, Markus Ahola (Aalto University)
Keynote talks:
Kristian Kiili, Experiential Learning
Antonella Carù, Experiential marketing
David Howes, Sensory experience
Xinran Lehto, Tourist experience  


Workshops - 7 experiences (Limited participation):

1. Importance of experience theories 

2. Evaluating experiences
3. Creating experiences (art, products, spaces, events, ...)
4. Mapping experience research

5. Publishing experience research
6. Societal impact - Experience research for grand challenges
7. Experience research agenda

Conclusions & Closing of Day 1

WEDNESDAY Sept 2, 2020
3pm-7pm EEST

Opening: Markus Ahola, Virpi Roto (Aalto University)
Keynote talks:
Inez Myin-Germeys, Psychotic experience
Pieter Desmet, Experience design
Carolyn Ellis, Lived experience


Workshops - 7 experiences (Limited participation):

1. Importance of experience theories 

2. Evaluating experiences
3. Creating experiences (art, products, spaces, events, ...)
4. Mapping experience research

5. Publishing experience research
6. Societal impact - Experience research for grand challenges
7. Experience research agenda

Conclusions & Closing of Summit

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