
AVP LaunchPad

If you think most summer jobs suck, you’re in the right place. Join us at this all-new event to launch your startup career and forget about boring summer jobs.
AVP Launchpad banner: "Launch your startup career!" and logos of The Hub, KIUAS, startuplifers, Helsinki Think Company, Aalto University and Aalto Ventures Program.

If you think most summer jobs suck, you’re in the right place.

Why would you sit in a half-empty office doing meaningless chores for a couple of months, when you could join a startup and work on big issues with a motivated team instead, and even keep on doing it after the summer?

However, applying to startups can be scary, as it’s very different from applying to your average corporation.

This is why Aalto Ventures Program brings together recruiters, startups and students in an all-new event, AVP LaunchPad – to help you score your first startup job. Together with The Hub, Startuplifers, Kiuas and Helsinki Think Company, we’ll provide you with all the tools you need to make your application stand out. Not sure how to tell about your skills? We’ve got you covered. Need a new CV-photo? Look no further. Don’t know which startups are recruiting? No worries, we do.

Join us on February 13th in Väre and launch your startup career!

Attend the event here.

WHAT: Essentially a Startup job fair
WHEN: Thursday 13.2. at 4-7 pm
WHERE: Väre main lobby (Otaniementie 14, 02150 Espoo)
WHOM: Students who want to work in a startup
MORE INFO: Facebook event

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