
Better Business — Better Society Seminar: 'Elinvoimaetu: Missiona kestävän kasvun edelläkävijyys'

The Better Business — Better Society seminar series offers our collaborators, supporters, and alumni opportunities to learn about and discuss current societally important topics.
Kosonen ja Santalainen

This Seminar will be held in Finnish. Read more about the event on the Finnish page Elinvoimaetu: Missiona kestävän kasvun edelläkävijyys.

Better Business — Better Society Seminar Series

The Seminar Series discusses the current and societally important topics at the School of Business. The seminars will be arranged monthly, generally on the first Thursday of the month, excluding holiday seasons.

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Kuva seminaarisarjasta, jossa ilmiset verkostoituvat esityksen jälkeen
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