
Better Business — Better Society Seminar: Geopolitics and Business

The Better Business — Better Society seminar series offers School of Business collaborators, supporters and alumni opportunities to learn about and discuss current societally important topics.
Geopolitics and Business

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The topic of November’s Better Business – Better Society seminar is “Geopolitics and Business”. The keynote speaker is our School’s Executive in Residence Esko Aho, and guest speakers H.E. Mrs. Olga Dibrova (Ambassador of Ukraine in Finland) and Professor Maria de Villa (Professor of Strategy, EAFIT University and Visiting Professor, Aalto University School of Business). The discussion will be moderated by Associate Professor Tiina Ritvala (Associate Professor of International Business and Assistant Dean of Teaching and Education, School of Business). At the beginning of the seminar, Timo Korkeamäki (Dean of Aalto University School of Business) gives the School's update.

The disruptions of the past few years have uncovered the fragility of the global economy and the political order. After decades of increasing globalization in trade, investments, and jobs, we are witnessing opposite trends of protectionism, regionalization of global value chains, and territorial geopolitics. The energy landscape is also being radically transformed as governments and businesses are responding to the European energy crisis and climate change. 

How can companies assess their exposure to geopolitical risk? What actions should business and government leaders take to build more resilient and sustainable societies? How should they breed trust, foster prosperity and advance well-being in a turbulent world? 

These questions will be discussed with our panelists who represent different domains and countries. They will offer different perspectives for navigating the changing landscape of business and geopolitics and share their perspectives for a brighter future.

Better Business — Better Society Seminar Series

The Seminar Series discusses the current and societally important topics at the School of Business. The seminars will be arranged monthly, generally on the first Thursday of the month, excluding holiday seasons.

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