
Chemical phosphorus (P) removal workshop

Originally the workshop was a part of the Helsinki IWA NRR conference 2020. However, now it is planned to be organized with other means and time frame! Exact dates in March will be announced soon.
Otaniemi ilmakuva

The focus of the workshop is to bring the top experts representing the academic community, private sector and WWTP operators together. The participants will enjoy many dynamic lectures on recent developments on P removal and recovery, including reusing recovered products. Topics will also delve into chemical P modelling and the interactions between coagulants/precipitating agents such as iron and P.

The workshop would not only offer lectures, rather, a major portion of the workshop will be dedicated to round table discussions in small groups. Interaction is the salt of development; sharing practical and academic experiences and knowledge both ways is just the first step. The outcome of the workshop is to define future directions for the field of P recovery that should be adapted to make the process more sustainable and environmentally friendly. It is hoped that these discussions to be documented and shared with participants as a dedicated publication for this workshop.

Planned topics for lectures:

• Background of P removal in Baltic Sea region

• Chemical P removal with different kind of products

• Cost-effective design and operation of chemP for extremely low effluent concentrations • New developments in chemical P removal

• Is it black and white? Comparing biological and chemical P removal from fertilizer point of view

• Recovery from chemical P treatment processes

• Background of P modeling • Modeling for the P recovery and reuse perspective

• P removal with vivianite – P-Fe interactions

• Modelling Iron and P interactions: including Fe redox reactions The team behind the workshop

Round table discussions will include real life cases as starting points for discussion for small groups of experts from various backgrounds to formulate recommendations and develop solutions for the challenges accompanying P recovery. It is also hoped that this event will serve as a catalyst for forming fruitful collaborations among the academic research teams and with industry experts.

The team behind the workshop consists of experts from Aalto University, Dynamita, INSA, WETSUS, HDR, Kemira and LUKE.

More information:

Anna Mikola
Professor of Practice, D Sc (Tech)
+358 40 7176552
[email protected]

Juho Uzkurt Kaljunen
Doctoral student
[email protected]

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