
Connected Learners: Online Hybrid Lab webinar

Online Hybrid Lab organises a local DigiEduHack challenge on the Aalto Otaniemi campus! Join our online webinar on September 26th to learn about our challenge and the participation in the DigiEduHack.
Connected Learners_online webinar cover for OHL DigiEduHack_by Valeria Azovskaya

Our webinar was live on 26.9 at 15:00 in Zoom.

An online course feels different than the one you do in a class with other students and a teacher present. It can be difficult to feel motivated enough to continue with course assignments and exercises on your own, without peer support. The feeling of community, its existence and its involvement, is extremely important, especially when working on something big, complex, and new. Extrinsic motivation and community support can help us to feel better along the study path and provide extra stimulation to continue the course. 

We are interested to see what could be done before, during, and after the online learning takes place to better support individuals in all aspects of learning. We want to explore the community aspect of online learning and discover the solutions that help learners support one another, lower dropout rates, and elevate both the students’ and teachers' experience of online learning. How can we create a community that supports studying online?

Register for our challenge, join us at the webinar to ask questions and meet the team!

Contact us if you have any questions:

  Teresa Rizzi

Teresa Rizzi

Project worker, AR content
  Tomi Kauppinen

Tomi Kauppinen

Head, Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab

The event organised by:

a photo of Aalto University BIZ main building by Mika Huisman

Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Lab

Aalto Online Learning - Online Hybrid Hub design, test, and promote production models and best practices in the field of online learning.

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