
CS Special Seminar: Mary Jean Amon "Advancing the Science of Human State Estimation in Complex Dynamic Environments via Multimodal and Nonlinear Methods"

This talk is arranged at the Department of Computer Science.

Advancing the Science of Human State Estimation in Complex Dynamic Environments via Multimodal and Nonlinear Methods

Mary Jean Amon
University of Central Florida

Wednesday, 6 April at 15:00
via Zoom: request the link by email [email protected]
Note! the link will be sent by email to CS staff.

Abstract: Understanding effective coordination between people and the socio-technical systems in which they operate is increasingly necessary in our interconnected 21st century workforce. A variety of sensor technologies provide opportunities for precise measurement and prediction of affective, cognitive, and social processes that help us assess human performance. These measures can be used in conjunction with concepts from nonlinear dynamical systems theory to describe the time-evolving, multimodal, and complex nature of many goal-directed tasks. Across a series of experiments, I describe how multimodal and nonlinear methods generalize to advance understanding of human behavior in complex dynamic environments. First, I describe how dynamic patterns of behavior during a collaborative computer programming task can be used to predict facets of team performance. Second, I discuss how multimodal health routineness of a large group of information workers is associated with personality, stress, and workplace performance. These findings demonstrate how large amounts of data, recorded from multiple people and modalities, can be effectively synthesized into meaningful measures of higher-order activities. Implications for theory and methods in behavior modeling and for operational practice in complex real-world settings are discussed.

Bio: Dr. Mary Jean Amon is an Assistant Professor in the School of Modeling, Simulation, and Training (SMST) at the University of Central Florida. She holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Cincinnati, as well as an M.A. in Psychology in Education from Teacher’s College, Columbia University. Before joining UCF, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University Bloomington, and then a Research Associate in the Institute of Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado Boulder. Her interdisciplinary research is informed by topics in cognitive science, computer science, and data science and centers on user-oriented researchaimed toward optimizing decision-making and performance in the context of complex socio-technological systems. This includes augmenting our understanding of teamwork by identifying coordinative patterns and features of socio-technical tasks that enhance performance, as well as how the dynamics of human-computer interaction inform issues associated with cybersecurityand online privacy. Her research is funded by Army Research Laboratory, Lockheed Martin Corporation, National Institute for Occupational Safety & Health, National Science Foundation, and competitive internal grants. She has published in venues such as AIED, CHI, Cognitive Science, Communication Monographs, CSCW, ICMI, IEEE Security and Privacy, LAK, and ACM HEALTH.

Department of Computer Science

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