Defence of dissertation in the field of Bioproduct Technology, M.Sc. Shirin Asaadi
The title of the dissertation is Dry-Jet Wet Spinning of Technical and Textile Filament Fibers from a Solution of Wood Pulp and Waste Cotton in an Ionic Liquid
Event language(s)
M.Sc. Shirin Asaadi will defend the dissertation "Dry-Jet Wet Spinning of Technical and Textile Filament Fibers from a Solution of Wood Pulp and Waste Cotton in an Ionic Liquid" on 20 September 2019 at 12 in Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, lecture hall L1, Vuorimiehentie 1, Espoo.
Opponent: Professor Thomas Bechtold, University of Innsbruck, Austria
Supervisor: Professor Herbert Sixta, Aalto University School of Chemical Engineering, Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems