
Defence of doctoral thesis in the field of Signal Processing for Communications, M.Sc. Neelabh Kashyap

Title of the doctoral thesis is: "Algorithms for Power System State Estimation with Phasor Measurement Units"

Power system state estimation (PSSE) is one of the key components in the suite of computational tools which assist in managing the day-to-day operations of electric grids. In recent years, two trends have emerged as the world transitions towards smart grids: The first is the introduction of new measurement and protection devices called phasor measurement units (PMUs). The second is the creation of transmission system operators (TSOs) as part of a general move away from vertically integrated monopolies. These TSOs are charged with ensuring the fair, secure and reliable operation of the power system. Additionally, the increased demands imposed on the grid by the growth of vehicle electrification means that new, more sophisticated algorithms are needed to assess the state of the power grid. This thesis proposes new algorithms for PSSE which address the unique challenges posed by these trends.

This thesis introduces a novel approach for combining and processing PMU measurements with conventional measurements. This approach is shown to have several advantages like improved numerical stability, reduced computational complexity and robustness to time-skew errors. It also presents a new scheme for pre-processing PMU measurements to obtain a more precise estimate of the underlying voltages.

The thesis then goes on to extend the above methods to a decentralised multi-area setting where several TSOs collaborate to maintain the security of a wider interconnection spanning a large geographical area. In this setting, minimising the amount of information exchanged between these entities is essential for accurate and timely state estimation. The thesis presents two algorithms that address this challenge.

Finally, as more and more TSOs become part of the wider interconnection, it becomes infeasible to establish frameworks for the sharing of sensitive data between different parties. This thesis presents a privacy-preserving approach to PSSE where only a minimal set of measurements is exchanged between neighbouring entities.

Opponent: Professor Christoforos Hadjicostis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus

Custos: Professor Risto Wichman, Aalto University School of Electrical Engineering, Department of Signal Processing and Acoustics

Contact information of the doctoral student: [email protected]

The defence will ne organised via remote technology (Zoom) and on campus. Link to the event

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The doctoral thesis will be publicly displayed 10 days before the defence in the Aaltodoc publication archive of Aalto University.

Electronic dissertation

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