
Designing Experiential Futures: Hidden dimensions of fashion

This exhibition presents students' work exploring the intersection of design and futures fields. Experience their thought-provoking projects that construct future scenarios, encouraging collective action and reimagining solutions to sociocultural and environmental challenges.
Presentation during the Design Futures course.
Presentation during the Design Futures course. Photo: Namkyu Chun

Through the scenarios presented, the invisible dimensions of our currently unsustainable fashion system are put in the spotlight and questioned. Exhibition visitors are invited to reflect more deeply on their own fashion consumption and the fashion system in general and what needs to change for it to become more sustainable. The exhibition contributes to preparing for the future fashion system while caring for diverse aspects (sociocultural, environmental and economic) and members (humans and non-humans) rather than only those who normally get the attention. Aalto University becomes the centre of realizing / actualizing sustainable futures, corresponding to its current strategy.

Collection of Experiential Futures Projects

Presentation during the Design Futures course. One of the student's projects.
Presentation during the Design Futures course. Photo: Namkyu Chun

The Design Futures course

The Design Futures course introduces students to theories and practices on the various ways in which the design and futures fields intersect. These intersections include the implicit and explicit roles design plays in creating, enacting and critically analysing proposals and stories about alternative futures. More specifically, students are introduced to the history of futures studies, the theories and the methods for critical and strategic foresight. Students apply some of these methods to develop scenarios and communicate these through visual and/or material, experiential and/or embodied means.  

The course follows a project-based learning approach. During the course, students work in groups to develop a project focused on the construction of future scenarios. As part of this process, the students critically reflect on the assumptions, values and perspectives underlying future scenarios. The course lectures and in-class activities support the students throughout the process. 

Students’ scenarios can further invite collective actions of others to not only trigger reshaping the future but also imagining new ways of addressing sociocultural and environmental crises. 

This exhibition is an outcome of the Design Futures course offered to students of English-language bachelor’s programme in Design, which was jointly established between the Department of Design, Art and Media at Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture.


  • İdil Gaziulusoy, Associate Professor of Sustainable Design, School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University. 
  • Namkyu Chun, University Lecturer in Design Communication, School of Arts, Design and Architecture at Aalto University.  


Namkyu Chun

Design Futures

Showcasing videos of experiential futures!

Teaching and learning
Screenshot for What You Dont See

Special Screening

Special screening event for the exhibition "Designing Experiential Futures: Hidden Dimensions of Fashion".

Wood crystals on a black fabric.

Designs for a Cooler Planet

This fall, the festival celebrates innovative and collaborative designs addressing the impossible sustainability challenges. Experience tomorrow in Otaniemi on 6 Sept – 3 Oct 2024!

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