DigiTwin Workshop: Business Benefits of IoT
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Digital twin is a vast concept that combines many technologies such as simulation, IoT, and artificial intelligence. These all aim to make people’s lives better, but the road has many turns. Technologies must be mature enough, suitable for practical use cases, and they need supporting business models to keep the wheels spinning.
In this workshop, we first share knowledge on the practical benefits of IoT and digital twins in presentations of invited speakers and DigiTwin project partners. These give ideas for the afternoon workshop where we brainstorm for new business opportunities based on the participants’ current goals and resources.
The workshop is arranged by Aalto University, Konecranes and Remion as part as the DigiTwin project funded by Business Finland. The event is open for everyone and its goal is to boost digital twin networking in Finland.
9.00-9.30 Coffee and registration
9.30-9.40 Opening speech
Jari Juhanko, COO at Aalto Industrial Internet Campus
9.40-11.30 Business benefits of IoT in digital twins
- Case ABB Drives: Digital Twins and value creation potential in business ecosystems, Juho Vuorio, Innovation and Venture program manager, ABB
- Utilizing data in the traffic ecosystem, Janne Lautanala, Chief Ecosystem and Technology Officer, Traffic Management Finland
- Business potential of IoT-driven digital twins by Matti Lehto, Program manager of Lifecycle Process at Konecranes and Jukka Kivimäki, CEO at Remion
11.30-12.30 Lunch
12.30-12.45 Introduction to workshop
12.45-14.15 Brainstorming of IoT-based business use cases for digital twins
14.15-14.30 Coffee
14.30-15.30 Group presentations of workshop results
15.30-15.45 Closing the workshop
Project manager Juuso Autiosalo, [email protected]