
Future visions in fashion

Imagining ethical fashion futures and making them a reality. See this and other fascinating projects on display in the Designs for a Cooler Planet main exhibition in Marsio on 6 Sept – 3 Oct 2024.
Näytös image. Two sets of legs and shoes in a sepia coloured image.

Aalto Fashion is a vibrant community dedicated to exploring the multifaceted nature of fashion.

This exhibition showcasing graduate students’ collections and projects offers a fresh perspective that transcends trends and emphasises fashion as a research- and knowledge-driven discipline.

A model walking the catwalk shows off an outfit created by a fashion designer, while audience sits watching the fashion show

Näytös24 was a celebration of creativity and personality

At the annual Aalto University Fashion Show, a total of seven prizes were awarded to fashion students' works. Innovation, high technical skills and sustainability were emphasised in the award criteria.

Aalto Fashion / Näytös24, invitation

Näytös24 & Näyttely24 (external link)

We warmly welcome you to follow the stream from Aalto Fashion students' graduate show Näytös24 and exhibition Näyttely24.


Designs for a Cooler Planet

This fall, the festival celebrates innovative and collaborative designs addressing the impossible sustainability challenges. Experience tomorrow in Otaniemi on 6 Sept – 3 Oct 2024!

Explore all exhibitions and events
Wood crystals on a black fabric.
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