
Graphene antidot lattices

Aalto Quantum Physics Seminars (Hybrid). Prof. Antti-Pekka Jauho (Technical University of Denmark)

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Graphene – a hexagonal arrangement of carbon atoms – holds many properties that indicate that it could be a disruptive material for many applications.  But graphene has a problem: its intrinsic band structure has no gap, which is a serious challenge for the device engineer.  A band gap can be induced in graphene by spatial confinement.  I will illustrate one variant of spatial confinement by discussing  four different – yet similar – applications of the spatial confinement: (i) Pseudomagnetic fields in nanostructured graphene, (2) Ballistic tracks in graphene nanoribbons, (3) Band structure engineering of graphene, and (4) Graphene quasicrystals induced by an antidot lattice.   Some of our results are beautifully confirmed by experiments while others remain an outstanding experimental challenge.

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