Guest Lecture: Francesca Rossi, IBM research "AI Ethics Beyond Obvious"
AI Ethics Beyond the Obvious
Professor Francesca Rossi
IBM research
AI Ethics is becoming a discussion topic in industry as well as public sector organisations. Often the debate repeats around the same high level examples and dilemma’s like for example the responsibilities related autonomous vehicles in case of accidents or discriminating biases of algorithms. Francesca Rossi will widen the debate beyond those well known cases, what it means to put AI ethics into practice.
About the speaker
Francesca Rossi is IBM’s Global Leader for AI Ethics and Professor of Computer Science at University of Padova. She has worked for three decades in Artificial Intelligence in Europe and in the United States.
The European Commission has created a High Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence to guide the implementation across Europe of its recently announced AI Strategy. Francesca Rossi is a member of the group and is visiting Finland to join AI Forum 2018: an event initiated by Minister of Economic Affairs of Finland, Mr. Mika Lintilä as Finland prepares to its EU Council Presidency in 2019.
The lecture will be followed by moment of networking with snacks!
Organisers: FCAI (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence) and Teknologiateollisuus.
Check out the event website for more info!
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