
How to Make Your Research Reproducible, Oct 24, 2024

Come and hear best practices from researchers who deal with reproducibility and reusability in their daily work.
How to make your research reproducible


Science is about standing on the shoulders of giants – making new discoveries and building new applications by reusing foundations laid by others. But however collaborative a process science is, we don’t always make it easy. Have you ever tried but failed to reproduce someone else's reported research results? How about your own results? According to scientific research, this is not uncommon in academia, which has led to the phenomenon being dubbed as "the reproducibility crisis". And reproducibility is just the first step of reusability.

In this webinar, we will discuss the challenges in reproducibility and reusability of scientific data, methods, and computer code. What do the terms really mean and how can we take steps to improve our work to take them into account.

Who can participate?

The webinar is aimed at staff and students who are interested in improving the chances their outputs, such as articles, thesis works, data, and code will be used and referenced by others. The webinar is free and open to all.

Learning outcomes

The participants will learn more about:

  • What is the reproducibility crisis?  
  • Why is some research so difficult to reproduce?  
  • How to share and document your work so it is easily reproducible and reusable?  
  • Best practices and tools for making your code reusable.


A 1.5-hour webinar with practical examples on data/software reproduciblity/reusability, followed by a Q&A.

Schedule and location

The training will be held online via Zoom on October 24, at 1–2.30 PM Eastern European Summer Time (EEST).


Dr. Mika Jalava, Data Agent, Postdoctoral Researcher at Aalto Water and Development Research Group. Working with geodata and modelling.

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