
Miten tekoäly muuttaa musiikkia?

At the panel discussion held at Aalto University, we will delve deep into how artificial intelligence is changing the music world. The panel, composed of music and technology experts, includes Kyösti Salokorpi, Pauli Laine, and Vesa Välimäki. The event will be hosted by Sonia Zaki and is part of the Creative Technologies event series.
Creative Technologies main image
Graphic design: Veera Kemppainen

This event is in Finnish. More information available on the Finnish event page
More information:

Hetta Huhtamäki
Producer | Aalto Studios
050 433 7130 | [email protected]

See also

MAGICS-infrastruktuuri mahdollistaa virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntämisen muun muassa taiteellisissa esityksissä. Kuva: Aalto Studios.

MAGICS – Media – Arts – Games – Interaction – Computing – Science (external link)

MAGICS is an infrastructure network to support research into motion recording, and virtual environments. It is a joint effort of Aalto University, Tampere University and the University of the Arts Helsinki.

Aalto Digital Creatives logo image

Aalto Digital Creatives (external link)

Aalto Digital Creatives on luoville aloille suunnattu esihautomo-ohjelma, joka kuuluu Helsingin kaupungin Kampusinkubaattorit-ohjelmaan.

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