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The 25th anniversary gala of the PDP course will take place on the 13th of May from 9:00 to 17:00 Helsinki time at Aalto Design Factory. It is organized on site at Betonimiehenkuja 5C and is open to everyone who is interested in seeing what the best product development students of the world has created during their 9-month PDP journey. All teams will be showing their results at their stands in a fair like manner. In addition to this being the 25th anniversary the course also celebrates the completion of the 300th project.
The gala is the perfect occasion to get familiar with the PDP course. Briefly, PDP is a product development course open to all Aalto master students. During the course multidisciplinary teams work together to solve a problem that a company partner provides. What makes PDP unique is that all teams have a 10 000-euro budget that they can freely use for the realization of their ideas. For more information visit www.pdp.fi. The course starts in September and the course code is MEC-E3001.